Horoscopes Thursday 21st March 2019

Today's Full Moon in Libra is also a Supermoon and therefore might influence us more than usual.

We could feel overwhelmed at times and this could cause us to overreact. A pause for thought could help us stay calm. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 21st March 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 21st March 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Today's Full Moon in your sector of relating emphasizes your feelings, especially any that may have been swept under the carpet. If you can discuss them, you may find that any tensions begin to dissipate. Along with this, lovely Venus makes upbeat and stirring aspects, which can see a budding romance becoming more intimate and social events enlivening coming days. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Delightful Venus your ruler, forges a positive tie with jovial Jupiter, which may benefit any dealings with those in authority. This positive influence encourages you to connect with others in a personable way, helping to forge good relationships. Ready to let go of habits that no longer serve? Today's Full Moon can see you jettisoning one and adopting something more positive.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With a bubbly influence developing, leisure and social events, outings or other occasions, can be a lot of fun. Even so, the Libra Full Moon can heighten feelings, and it may be hard to refrain from saying what is on your mind. There is potential for laughter and the stirrings of romance, and your horoscope hints that these may take the edge off more intense issues and perhaps also act as a restorative.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A buoyant Full Moon in your domestic zone might see you seeking some quiet time in which to unwind. Will this be possible? If there are any family dramas brewing, the chances are that they could come to a head today. A heart-to-heart concerning such matters could help diffuse edgy issues, enabling you and others to feel at ease. Pleasingly, a bond might sweetly intensify.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As Venus journeys through your relationship zone, her presence here can make liaising with others much easier. If you are involved in a creative project, your relationship with those you are working with may be helped by this influence too. Feelings could fluctuate during the next day or so though, so a sensitive approach may be needed in situations that could arouse emotions.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Sun's move into your sector of transformation and rebirth for a four week stay, revitalizes a desire for change. You'll also become aware of the many new options now emerging. It could be today's Lunation that does though inspire you to zero in on one issue that has reached a tipping point. The realization that you cannot put up with it any longer might encourage a major shift.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You could experience a range of emotions as the Full Moon in your sign, brings them bubbling to the surface. This might mean you say more than you mean to, which might surprise those who are used to your more tactful side. Don't feel bad if this does happen, as there are times when you have to share your feelings honestly to maintain a balance in your relationships.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Convivial Venus's soothing presence in your home zone, can be excellent for resolving any difficulties and inspiring diplomacy as you go about family business. And as she also aligns with expansive Jupiter, you may receive a gift that truly touches your heart. Today's lunation though, can be a call to take some time out to relax, recharge and regain your peace of mind Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Lunar energies influencing your social sector can add a buoyancy to the coming day or so if you are ready to mingle in good company. At the same time, the dynamic focus on your lifestyle and wellness sector can encourage you to go for more walks or to connect with someone who might support you in your workout or dieting efforts. It'll likely be an adventure for both of you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A Full Moon in your sector of personal goals, encourages you to make your feelings known. With dynamic Mars continuing its journey through your leisure sector though, the coming weeks can add passion to a romance or long-term bond, and see you enjoying outings and walks in beautiful surroundings. A lovely note is Venus's gentle nudge to spoil yourself a little.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The present lunar phase in your adventure zone, sheds light on a desire or opportunity that may be important for the future. Your feelings seem to be leading you in a new direction, and if so, then do let them guide you. If you are uncertain, look into this further and ask a few leading questions, as you'll soon get an idea about whether it is for you. And you could always try it for size first.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A lively focus on your communication zone, suggests this is the ideal time to connect with like-minded people and collaborate on a project. Equally, you may feel moved to catch up with friends or family members you haven't seen in a while. Today's pearly Full Moon may bring on a desire to shop though. Keep receipts so you can get your money back if it's needed Pisces.