The Moon in Capricorn aligns with Mars in Pisces, so we may feel an emotional push to take a brilliant idea seriously.
We shouldn't ignore our imagination. Instead it's wise to make the most of it. The more we do the better the outcome can be. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 21st April 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 21st April 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Moon in ambitious Capricorn and the emphasis on the grounded sign of Taurus, can assist you in keeping a down-to-earth focus. With Mars continuing its journey through Pisces, you may be getting frustrated with the slow pace of events or with nothing happening at all. But waiting could be the most crucial part of the whole process. If you're patient, you'll reap rewards.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Have some great ideas brewing? You'll be keen to get moving. Today's Capricorn Moon can assist you in choosing what to focus on and what to miss out. The Sun newly in your sign, encourages you to think about your brightest dreams. Avoid watering them down, by trying to second guess what others might want of you. It's time to celebrate being truly yourself.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With key planets in Pisces and a high-flying zone, you may have plans, but little control over how they come together. And this could be frustrating for someone who thrives on fast-paced events and the cut and thrust of everyday life. Matters will proceed at their own pace, and even if you do try to hurry them along, this won't help. You'll need to allow, rather than force.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You do best when you ask others for help, or when you co-operate with them. Teaming up can bring some brilliant ideas into the mix, that you might not have considered otherwise. But you'll also be seeking fresh inspiration, and for this you'll be ready to look further afield, Cancer. If there are ideas or beliefs that you find supportive, taking them on board may be a game changer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Does your daily routine support your goals and ambitions, Leo? If not, you'll find that just making a few tweaks could see you moving ahead in leaps and bounds. Activities that you've taken for granted might be holding you back, so an honest review of your habits and routines may assist you more than you know. Your horoscope suggests going easy around money, as nebulous forces are at work.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A keen determination to forge a new path may already be showing results. Your patience is being rewarded, and the more you stick with your consistent and steady approach, the better for you. Any difficulties you do experience can be down to people and their moods and whims. Any plans that seemed clear cut could fade into nothing, unless you keep others accountable.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While the Sun in your sector of desire can make you acutely aware of what you want or need to feel happy, you might delay going after it. Why would this be, Libra? It's not so much that you can't be bothered, but more that you'll have to battle so many distractions. This is a time to say no more often and to simplify complicated arrangements, if you want to make good progress.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your creative abilities are truly at a peak, with the coming weeks just perfect for exploring new techniques and for honing your skills to get better results. This is a time when you can get some truly beautiful results that will inspire others. Perhaps they'll have a go themselves or be ready to buy from you. Romance is another area that could be very deep and soulful if want it to be.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Practical considerations might inspire you to dive into those chores that keep your life ticking over, and make it much more comfortable. Household tasks, admin and other key activities, may be a bore, but don't shirk them, Archer. Still, there could be a temptation to settle into a good novel or movie, and relish some down time. A little of both can be the best option.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Moon in your sign and its tie with the Sun in Capricorn, suggests the day could get off to a positive start, as your head and heart are in harmony. You know what you need to do, and can put your best foot forward without feeling conflicted in any way. You'll be a good listener too, should someone need a shoulder to cry on. One of your pep talks may soon boost their morale.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your finances may be more of a priority, with fiery Mars and glamorous Venus now in your money zone. Thinking of working from home and allowing your entrepreneurial side out to play? The coming weeks might find you researching the possibilities around this, and coming to some interesting conclusions. Even a small side-hustle could be worth your while too, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Let your imagination soar, especially if there are bare spaces in your home or office, that could benefit from some creative input. Are you a gifted artist or craftsperson? If so, you might enjoy the chance to showcase your work. When it comes to liaising with others, a blend of sensitivity and practicality can give you the best chance of forging positive agreements or closing a deal.