Horoscopes Thursday 20th October 2016

Mercury the planet of communication opposes the restless energies of Uranus, which combined with other volatile influences could cause a degree of turbulence.

Settling to anything more focused may not be easy over coming days, but activities that involve movement or a change of scene might help somewhat.   For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 20th October 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 20th October 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The last few days may have revealed new possibilities, and ones which can seem very enticing. But as a result you could be pondering one or two options that others may not necessarily like. Indeed, some older plans that have been etched in your mind might be losing appeal, but by bringing fresh options into the mix your enthusiasm could rebound really powerfully. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If recent days have put you through your paces you may need an opportunity to take stock and consider your next moves, Taurus. A tense connection between Mercury and Uranus could see you espouse your intuition and act on a whim. But then, in some ways, a walk into the unknown could actually be one of the best things you will ever have done, if needing courage.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Some of what you are considering could surprise certain friends who may wonder why you are thinking this way. The fall-out from Mars and Pluto's clash suggests you may be ready for a new beginning and be keen to get started. It can almost feel like you are being propelled forwards by some deeper force. This can be exciting, but will require liberation from old confines.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As the Moon ties with Mercury the planet of communication and the innovative energies of Uranus, you may be considering integrating a plan or personal project into your current schedule. Your horoscope suggests this can enable you to tackle important tasks while also embracing your creative side. While for now this could just be a germ of an idea, in time it could become something lasting.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Present influences suggest that although you may have felt irked by responsibilities, it's about chopping out those that just don't work anymore. Over coming days, an electrifying energy can coincide with distractions that might appeal or alert you to new opportunities. You can explore new paths Leo, but for now work on sifting out those truly unnecessary obligations.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The cosmic picture suggests an idea or someone you like can have a powerful effect on you and your life, perhaps more than is immediately obvious. Because of this, the coming days and weeks need to be approached carefully. In fact, the present cosmic setup suggests that decisions could have life-changing consequences and will need very astutely weighing up.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The current picture reveals that events on the home front may have set some powerful forces of change in motion. If so, you might need to adjust your priorities and stay open minded about your next moves. Whilst today's restless energies suggest that someone's idea could seem unreasonable at this juncture, it may prove to have its merits over coming weeks, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With the explosive mix of Mars and Pluto closely intertwined in your sector of talk and thought, it can be hard to ignore the intensity of one situation. But it's possible you're on the verge of a breakthrough and that if you can bear with things for a while longer, the change you're hoping for can unfold. Just be mindful that other people's passions can be as powerful as yours.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The current backdrop hints that a matter of principle may be a cause of frustration, and one that could rankle with you over coming days. Although Venus's presence in your sign can encourage you to smooth things over, in practice this might not be so easy. Why? Well, your emotional connection to the things you can identify with, have probably rarely felt so powerful.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your determination to run with an idea or project is likely to be so very high. This can give you awesome willpower and single-mindedness. This is important, for this gives you the motivation to get things moving, and it can all seem quite earnest. You may not welcome the viewpoints of others so much, but sometimes we need to be this driven to achieve goals.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Most of us have events in our past which were painful, and as an air sign, you can have a tendency to rationalise these, dust yourself down and move on afresh. However, if there is any old debris rooted deep within you it could come to the surface now. But this is a chance to look at this again and deal with it afresh, but this time with your added experience and insights.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With Venus becoming established in your sector of ambitions, this can be an opportunity to liaise with people who are aligned with your goals. You can also find yourself continuing to review your long term aspirations and the people who form the bedrock of your social world. And Venus can see you drawn to those associates who bring experience or wisdom to bear.