The Moon in Sagittarius angles towards Neptune in Pisces, so we could be in the mood to reminisce.
The idea of returning to a place that holds happy memories for us may be something we'll give some thought to. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 19th October 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 19th October 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
It doesn't matter how determined you are when it comes to getting what you want, it could be difficult persuading someone that you need it. Conflicting viewpoints can make any kind of compromise awkward too. However, a more subtle and mellow aspect showing up today might help soften hearts and may see you and another coming to an agreement after all, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Been on the receiving end of some criticism? A friend or loved one could restore your faith in human nature, and leave you feeling so much better. Your confidence will be bolstered, and you'll be reassured that you're more than capable. If this was the result of a misunderstanding, try not to take it personally. Just let it wash over you and go do something nice for yourself.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It could be tempting to put off doing something important because you don't feel like it, especially with sensitive Neptune in the picture. But if you were to hear or read some motivational words, your enthusiasm might return. Plus, the Sun's link with Mercury can coincide with a compliment or a positive event that helps you to rise above your mood.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Beliefs that have served you for a long time are likely ingrained. Are they still as helpful now as they were, especially as they relate to your present need? Though you may be keen to accomplish something big, using a strategy that's out of date likely won't be much good, especially if it's keeping you playing small. It's time to smash that glass ceiling and think big.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As Mercury joins forces with the Sun, it also makes aspects that could derail your plans, unless handled with care. You might take too much for granted or you may be focused on getting a result that isn't in your best interests. Either way, consider getting another perspective. It can help to look to the bigger picture. You'll know where you are and what you should do next.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
While someone could have reassuring words to share, another person can be more direct regarding a certain matter. And while you may prefer a little sympathy, it might not goad you into action in the same way. Although it can be difficult to listen to someone's honest approach, it will spur you on and stop you from hoping for the best. You'll be ready to do something.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
What seems like an unwelcome disruption, could have a more positive spin that you might benefit from. It may be a cancelled appointment or meeting, or perhaps something else equally important that's postponed. This can bring a chance to think about things in more depth and to consider whether what you're doing is the best for you at this time. It's possible that it's not.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Is it better to wait for something to come to you or to pursue it? This is a dilemma you could experience over coming days. A side of you might prefer for things to sort themselves out in their own time. But with the Sun and Mercury beginning an edgy angle with Pluto, your instincts may encourage you to press forward regardless, and your horoscope reveals this will certainly be in your best interests.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Someone's words could influence you more than they should, and this might be down to the focus on a more sensitive zone. There's no need to take this to heart Archer, as they may be feeling out of sorts and not thinking about the impact of what they are saying. What is more important is not to let this get you down. Drop it, and make the most of what the day and week have to offer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Taking a shortcut to get what you want could seem justified. Yet with an awkward aspect involving Mercury, you might encounter some pitfalls along the way, so it may be better to take the longer route. Things are more likely to go to plan, and you'll avoid any snafus. As the current focus continues to enhance your career potential, try to be astute when making key decisions.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There are opportunities that you can take advantage of, but it's just as well to choose carefully as some could offer a better return than others. One may seem very appealing, but it might also be vague, which is something to watch out for. Don't agree to anything until you've checked the terms and conditions in some detail. Once you're happy, then it's full steam ahead, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As talkative Mercury forges an interesting angle to aquatic Neptune, this can be an excellent influence for art, music, poetry and other creative activities. Giving voice to your emotions in this way could be very therapeutic. Put off making major financial or business decisions for a day or so, as you may be too relaxed about something that needs attention to detail, Pisces.