Today’s Horoscopes Thursday 17th September 2015

Mercury begins the third of its three annual retrograde's today. This will last through until the 8th of October.  As ever when this happens, we have an opportunity to think more about communications.

But equally, Mercury's retrograde gives us an opportunity to resolve the areas of our lives which are not working very well. No one obvious area is about communication, but equally it could be about other areas that Mercury influences, namely commerce, transport, distribution, paperwork, systems, technology, computers, and so on. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 17th September 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Those hobbies or pastimes you usually turn to for fun and relaxation could prove helpful in your search for a job, or even if you're hoping to enhance your income somehow. By allowing your creative side free rein it can also spill into other areas, enhancing results and enriching your life in many exciting and positive ways, Aries.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

This week's Jupiter Neptune link comes to a head and could see you joining a club or class to learn a new skill – especially if it's an artistic one. Indeed, the chance to connect with others who share your interests can be invaluable for making new friends. Meanwhile, tweaking your health routines can enhance overall wellbeing.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Do you love entertaining and cooking for friends? If so, you may be doing more than ever now. Catering for people today? If so, friends and family can really appreciate your efforts. Your imagination and creativity sparkle too, so if you're thinking of adding a special touch to your home, it can be a fine time to do so. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be trying too hard to get through to someone, when meeting them halfway could help avoid any complications. Extra care and sensitivity could be a reason to become even closer. However, the subtle opposition between Jupiter and Neptune also suggests you may be tempted to sugar-coat one point you need to make.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Distracting thoughts could make it hard to deal with any tasks that need completing. A secret yearning can also see you daydreaming. Mind, the delightful Moon Jupiter connection, though brief, can bring bright news. But if you get a special invite or opportunity today, you may need to make your mind up quickly to capitalise.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As Mars and Neptune angle up, delays are possible or an unexpected mix-up could cause you to feel somewhat on edge. Just as you're ready to put your best foot forward, you could find yourself taking one or two steps back. Mercury also begins its third annual backward dance, so do be extra vigilant around your daily costs.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The willingness to try out new experiences could prove liberating, Libra. This may provide a chance to get involved in activities you're really enthused by. However, in contrast, as the Sun continues to track through your spiritual sector, time alone can be recuperative. With some plans in a state of flux, muse your options.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Today's influences in your sector of hopes can tempt you to get involved with projects you enjoy or to spend time with someone you care about. Although you may have other pressing plans, the idea of spending time together can appeal. As Mercury rewinds trust could become a key issue in more superficial bonds, however.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

For you to feel really engaged by any group or circle of friends you belong to, you need to feel that there is mutual respect. You can also be drawn to those who are as independent as you are. And anyone who takes you for granted or who is too clingy, can seem less attractive in the next few weeks. Mind, an old friend could resurface.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Misunderstandings, mixed signals or unexpected glitches can make it difficult to get ahead in the next few weeks. Despite this, your practical instincts can see you soon accept changes and embrace any other options that come up. Any love of creativity, reading or watching movies could also continue to flourish just now.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Be cautious when making purchases – especially around on-line transactions. The current Neptune influence can subject you to muddles that could spoil your enjoyment. Mind, if you stay sharp eyed you can limit the potential for mishaps. Travel plans, postage or contractual matters could however be affected by outside forces.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Influences today can blow feelings out of proportion giving you a skewed perspective on an issue or relationship that does need some attention. If this is the case, it may help to hold back from important decisions, as you could make the wrong one. If you feel frustrated, pursue a gentle hobby or go for a healing walk or bike ride.