Feisty Mars enters Cancer today for a six week stay, with its presence in this protective sign stirring up emotions.
This dynamic inflence can also inspire us to get busy around the home or to put energy into family plans and projects. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 16th May 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 16th May 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Protective qualities can emerge, and may be very noticeable as dynamic Mars enters Cancer and your home zone, for a six week stay. You may be in the mood to bring positive change to your domestic set-up, and this could clear the air and create a nurturing atmosphere. Want to bring the family together? Investing in an experience or trip for all could certainly work its magic Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You're all set to make a big splash, and to be a mover and shaker in your own right. If friends have you down as being predictable, they may get more than they bargained for as you reveal aspects of yourself they never knew you had. If you have plans to promote an idea for your own purposes or for a cause, this is the time to share in heartfelt ways and rouse others' emotions.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you find yourself going through a repeat situation and are tiring of it, then it is likely you are facing a growth experience. The ongoing focus on a secluded sector, hints that you may get more of these over coming weeks, months and years, as they awaken you to your true potential and encourage you to embrace your destiny. Dive deep Gemini, as your horoscope suggests you'll shine even brighter.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
There's a positive shift as fiery Mars moves into your sign for a stay of around six weeks, giving you extra courage and inspiring you to stand your ground where necessary. If energy levels have dipped, you may begin to feel more vital, allowing you to get moving on ideas and plans that have been on the backburner. Nurture yourself first though, as you'll have more to give if you do.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may be busy taking on the world, but as feisty Mars moves into a more introspective zone, the coming weeks can be a call to do battle with your own personal issues. These may become more apparent now, and could sabotage your best intentions unless you make time to deal with them. Getting the help of a life coach or perhaps a counsellor, can be one way to free yourself.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you're ready to let the good times roll, then a proactive stance regards your social life, can see you becoming more involved in activities and relationships that nurture you. As stirring Mars enters the sign of Cancer and your friendship zone, you may also feel very protective of those who have been so loyal, and keen to show your support for them should they need it Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As you take your place upon the stage of life, you may feel as though you are doing a solo act. But if you look around, you'll realize just how much support you have. If there is something you want to accomplish, then lean on those who you trust Libra. Pooling ideas and resources for mutual benefit can see you achieving something important, and eager to share the rewards.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Going on an adventure could seem very appealing, especially if you have the option to try something new. Something may be stirring Scorpio, and it could be a call to move out of your comfort zone and seize a bold opportunity. Don't feel you have to do this alone though, as there may be others who would enjoy teaming up with you for the experience and a chance to learn.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon's tie with Pluto, could see you taking objection to something that seems unreasonable. However, it is possibly a fleeting issue and not worth bothering over. If it is not the first time this has happened you may want to discuss it though, as it could be due to a conflict of values. Agreeing to disagree may be one solution, but maybe someone just isn't on your wavelength.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Creative ideas can be enhanced by Mercury's link to hazy Neptune, and also to sobering Saturn. Have a creative project on the go? A combination of imagination and practicality can see it standing out from the crowd. A relationship can be a work of art too, and if so, you may want to dedicate some time to being together in a way that infuses both of you with joy Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your caring approach could be just what is needed to help someone feel much better about themselves. If someone you know appears to have lost their spark, then asking them out for a coffee and a chat, could see them visibly brightening as you talk. Even if you don't see them again for a while, when you next connect, they may thank you for being such an inspiration.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You can be more sensitive than usual to whatever may be going on, and especially to those you connect with over coming days. With Mercury and ethereal Neptune in harmonious alignment, you might pick up on something that you hadn't noticed before. It may be the whisper of a feeling about someone, but it could be worth attending to, as the chances are it is accurate.