Horoscopes Thursday 15th August 2019

Today's Full Moon in Aquarius can coincide with the accomplishment of a group project or perhaps a buoyant social event.

Feelings might also be heightened and this could cause us or others to overreact. It can help to make any major decisions when we are more settled. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 15th August 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 15th August 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A dazzling Full Moon in Aquarius can coincide with a celebration or other key event, that could be important to you. And you might rise in the popularity stakes too, as this lively influence may see others keen to connect with you for who you are Aries, which can be very flattering. Still, a Mercury Uranus link hints at an ill-thought-out move that could cost you, unless you are vigilant. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Have you been working hard to accomplish something? If so, today can mark a time of completion, or very near to it. And the experience you have gained in reaching this stage may be very useful in future projects. You might also feel an urge to take a new path or direction, if you've had your fill of current goals and ambitions. If so Taurus, your horoscope reveals doors may soon open for you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As inquisitive Mercury your ruler, angles towards Uranus in a private zone, you may find it hard to trust your intuitive feelings. Equally, you might wonder if logic alone is enough to help you with a key decision. Could this wait? If so, then do so, as the best solution might show up when you least expect it. Ready to leave your comfort zone? An opportunity can call to you Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Feelings you didn't know you had could come to the surface under the influence of today's powerful lunar phase. If you find yourself getting irritated by someone, or that deeper emotions like jealousy or resentment are bubbling up, then know that this is just a passing phase. If you don't dwell on them, they will eventually leave. Still, a little self-care wouldn't go amiss just now.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With a Full Moon in your sector of relating, this can be decision time regarding a key bond or any plans that you have for the future. And with feelings in full flow, you may have a better understanding of the state of play. Doubts can be magnified as well as feelings of devotion. You might be guided to hold a key conversation that can clarify things going forward Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This can be one of those days when you are better off taking a reduced schedule, if possible. With inquisitive Mercury angling towards energetic Uranus and a lunation in your lifestyle zone, your mind may flit from one subject to another fast. Feelings can also get blown out of proportion and might result in mini-dramas. A massage or some pampering might be an antidote though.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your love life could regain its sparkle, as a lively lunar phase may enhance the pace at which a romance is developing or add a touch of passion to your current bond. Feelings can spill over though, and it could be difficult not to react to events as they unfold. There is also potential for a disagreement. If you want to discuss anything important, it helps to adopt a flexible approach.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With a Full Moon in Aquarius, this may be one of those days when you won't want to go public, preferring to stay close to home or to work behind the scenes. With a bright focus at the top of your chart, there may be things to attend to, but dealing with low key matters first might give you a bit of a buffer. Entertaining back at your place? It could be a lively and cozy affair Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The conversations you have today can sparkle with promise, and leave you inspired by the possibilities that surround you. Some of these could require you to move out of your comfort zone, and this alone may be enough to secure your interest. The light of the potent lunar phase could shine on one idea that speaks to your feelings. Are you up for it? If so, give it a go!

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may get insights into how you can increase your cash flow Capricorn, perhaps by selling items you no longer use or by actively marketing your skills and services. And if you can use social media to boost your efforts, then so much the better. A conversation could generate some conflict though, and if both of you stubbornly hold out for what you want, nothing will change.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Today's Full Moon in your sign, can see the end of a cycle and a great sense of accomplishment. This can refer to a smaller project or something bigger you have been working on. It can also mark a milestone in a key relationship, with loving feelings showing up stronger than ever. On the home front, there is potential for conflict unless someone gives way first. Could it be you?

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Is it time to find closure on that issue or relationship that has been bugging you for a while? Today's powerful lunation can be a call to make that decision Pisces. If you know it is right, then why hold back? And if you need to tie up loose ends first, then do so, as you might feel a surge in energy. If this can open the way for a new bond to develop, then what are you waiting for?