Horoscopes Thursday 14th September 2017

With the Sun in Virgo angling towards Saturn in Sagittarius, we may find the coming days to be somewhat frustrating.

This might encourage us to step back and take a look at the bigger picture though, as by doing so we may see where the real issue lies. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 14th September 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 14th September 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

There could be a snarl-up over coming days causing you to pause in your tracks. A desire to get a job done efficiently might conflict with beliefs about whether it is possible. And you may hamper progress by putting extra pressure yourself when it is not really necessary. However, if you can break the task down into smaller chunks Aries, it might be completed in no time at all. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Moon in the nurturing sign of Cancer and in your sector of communication, may encourage you to share your feelings, even if you are just getting to know someone. Another key influence suggests that talking about a personal experience could perhaps open fresh vistas in this new relationship. Though you may feel like holding back, this might be a defining moment.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you and another can't see eye to eye regarding a family issue, then finding a solution may take longer than it should. As the Sun in your home zone angles towards the potentially stubborn qualities of Saturn, perhaps the best way of dealing with this person is to be patient, if you can. It may not be easy to negotiate, but if you work gently and sensitively at this it might be possible.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Moon making a harmonious aspect to both Mercury and Mars, this can be an opportunity to lay your cards on the table and say what has been on your mind. But it is the way you go about this that can make all the difference. You may find that the person you need to talk to has other things on their mind, so choosing the right time can be crucial to being heard Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With a focus on your spiritual sector, you may feel like taking a step back and considering your present position from a more soulful perspective. Some of the issues you need to deal with over coming days might require deeper insight to uncover a solution that is not only logical but feels right too. And although a compromise is possible, it can be worth pushing for the best outcome.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Friends may have advice, but it can vary greatly. While someone might encourage you to go with the flow, another could tap into your desire to forge ahead. You may need to work with both options. The coming days could require you to handle responsibilities while also summoning the motivation for your present plans. At times, a pause to get your bearings can serve you well.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you feel uncertain about your course of action, then the idea that key people might notice this could accentuate any doubts. Your horoscope reveals a way forward Libra, that might involve listening to your instincts. Doing so can ground you while revealing what your next best step should be. Avoid asking others for advice if you can, as this might create further confusion.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Although the stellar landscape can see you very keen to liaise with others and to enjoy making new connections, you could notice some resistance to one person you encounter over coming days. It may be that their values clash with your own, or something deeper. Give it some time though Scorpio, as you could find that your initial reaction gives way to an attitude of respect.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may wonder whether you have enough experience to go after a job or goal that has personal meaning for you, and this could cause you to doubt yourself Sagittarius. As the Sun in your sector of ambition angles towards Saturn in your sign, it is possible that you may be holding yourself back unnecessarily and that you might now benefit from stepping out of your own way.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

No matter how good an opportunity appears to be, you can feel that it isn't quite you and that you should pass it by. Is this really the case though? The present line-up suggests that underneath there may be a fear of taking on too much or perhaps a desire to stay happily within your present situation. However, you could soon begin to feel more confident and this can change everything.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you have been thinking about making some major changes, then you may be ready to get into action over coming days. Furthermore, success seems a lot more possible if you can make time to reflect and follow your inner promptings. It might surprise you though, if a friend has other ideas to the contrary. Listen to what they say, but by no means take their words to heart.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the Moon in your leisure sector makes a positive tie to Neptune in your sign, your creative side may be activated, encouraging you to tap into your imagination and give life to your ideas. Whether you excel at art or a craft, have musical skills or simply want to learn some new techniques, spending any time available in this way could be so very rewarding for you Pisces.