Things can seem less blurry today, as the reversing Mercury moves into a conjunction with the Sun, and in turn Trines in a very positive way to Jupiter.
This is a very entrepreneurial set of energies, and the retrogrades of both Mercury and Jupiter point towards revisiting an old idea or glitch and finding ways to overcome it. I do not believe that retrogrades can only be troublesome. What we must avoid is jumping to conclusions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 14th January 2016 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There's a lot going on, which is why you might benefit from taking a back seat and passing by on activities that may be a little strenuous. It's not that you're unenthusiastic, just that the present line-up suggests you'll benefit from standing back and focusing on other things, enabling you to get the fresh perspective you need.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The sparkling connection between Venus and Uranus suggests that a small bonus, whether financial or otherwise, could come your way out of the blue. However, a similar yet more profound influence between Saturn and Uranus also hints at greater stability around shared assets that can arise from an unexpected event.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A DIY plan for your home may need a little effort to bring it to fruition. And, with the present very practical focus showing up this might be the time to take the first step by looking at the resources you have available, and either scaling up or scaling down accordingly. Don't rush though, draw out the research stage for now. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Lunar ties with Mercury and Jupiter encourage conversations that might empower and inspire you. And, with this blend of energies a part of the planetary backdrop over this week, it's a chance to get your bearings, especially if you've been feeling vulnerable or somewhat at a loss regarding a creative or romantic issue.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Fleeting lunar ties with Saturn and Venus can cause you to have a few doubts, especially regarding a certain person. Indeed, the Pisces Moon suggests you could be quite sensitive to their feelings to the point where you're resisting them. By tomorrow though, you may have processed this issue and feel happier in their company.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The ongoing tie between Mercury and the Sun in Capricorn and Jupiter in your sign is reaching a critical peak, meaning that you may be very keen to express your thoughts and ideas and less interested in hearing what others have to say. If you can be open to listening as well, you may benefit from someone's savvy insights.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If tensions are taking their toll, the message of the Mars Neptune link can be to enjoy activities that soothe the body and boost the spirits. This influence speaks of healing forces that might be useful to enhance relaxation overall. However, getting your bearings regards a family matter might lead to an even greater sense of well-being.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Sometimes creativity just needs to happen. In fact, you may notice how good you feel when you succumb to a desire to let loose and allow your talents to flow out on the page or through dance or music. And, if you're nervous to do so, the encouraging tie between Mercury and Jupiter suggests friends could be very supportive.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The ongoing desire to improve your life, both financially and professionally, is very much to the fore and reaching a peak in this present cycle, making this a good time to rewrite your resume or apply for a job. However, the deeper theme suggests a desire to take your present talents to a new level by putting them to the test.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Saturn, your ruler, in the more spiritual part of your chart is gearing up to align with the more unstable energy of Uranus, presently in your home zone. In this case though, it is a helpful connection that can see you maintaining inner serenity and one-pointedness, as you go through a move or change in the family dynamic.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The very strong presence in the area of your chart associated with subtle affairs can see you poised to realize a dream, as long as you can balance feelings against logic. What might be the spanner in the works is a general restlessness that shows up as a need for instant results, when a little patience can bring even better ones.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon in your sign trips off a confident blend of influences that can see you keen to join in with a social event or perhaps to explore a relationship that might be quite satisfying. However, you'll need to find the balance between being stimulated by others' company and ideas and being overwhelmed and losing your poise.