As the Sun in Aquarius forges a positive angle with the Moon in Libra this can be a convivial day when we might relish all kinds of interactions.
And whether we are entertaining or attending an event it will likely be rewarding and enjoyable. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 13th February 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 13th February 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Issues around power and control may have been very much in your mind over recent weeks, and this will continue for some while. And yet with upbeat Jupiter in the sector for many months yet, you may begin to feel comfortable around being in authority, a manager or a leader. Yet lunar ties can encourage you not to overwork, but to enjoy some time in good company as well Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Searching for your life-calling or mission? If so, the present lively blend of energies in your sector of far horizons, may have contributed much to helping you find it. And from later this week, your efforts in this regard may be amplified further. Keen to make a start? Consider what routines you might need to adopt in order to bring your dream to life, and take those first steps.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With the Moon sailing through your romance zone and making edgy links to both Pluto and Saturn, it can seem that a budding relationship has stalled. If so, it could be down to experiences that have shaken your confidence. Or it might be an issue your love interest has? This can be an opportunity to begin a sensitive discussion Gemini, that could pave the way for deeper intimacy.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Thinking of making a few lifestyle changes? With warrior Mars in the last few degrees of your work and well-being zone, this has likely been on your mind for some while. It's not too late to make a start, especially if you can get your close ones on board. Don't feel you have to make drastic changes right away, as starting small can be sustainable and lead to very positive results.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Need to discuss something important? With the Moon in tactful Libra, it may be better to approach this gently rather than adopt a more assertive tone. Lunar ties to both potent Pluto and cautious Saturn suggest that someone may be putting pressure on you. Be honest Leo, but in a way that allows for constructive suggestions and a solution that works for all those involved.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A delightful lunar tie with the Sun encourages you to make the best of your resources to boost your lifestyle and enhance your overall happiness. If this means investing in a gym membership or a life-coach, then it could be worth your while Virgo. Your horoscope suggests this is an opportunity to take stock of your brightest goals and consider what needs to change for you to make them a present reality.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Domestic matters could derail your best laid plans, unless you can sort them out sooner rather than later. Whatever might be the issue, don't leave it too long as it could mean missing out on an opportunity that might be very good for you. Dive in Libra, and no matter how much resistance there is, just get it done. You'll feel such a relief, and this will leave you free to enjoy your day.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
There are opportunities on the cards if you don't give in to doubt Scorpio. With edgy lunar ties on the cards and the Moon in a sensitive zone, you could decline an offer that you are more than capable of handling. Don't let temporary doubts get in the way of progress, as by tomorrow you may feel a lot more confident and wish you had accepted it. Why not try and see how it goes?
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Social options sparkle with promise, as a lively line-up can see you enjoying good company. Whether you are networking or spending time with friends, this can be a chance to connect with new people and also to pave the way for fresh developments. Ready to enhance your earnings? A Jupiter Neptune link suggests the potential for a creative side-business, if this would suit you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With talkative Mercury slowing down prior to turning retrograde in a few days, it helps to be a little careful when signing anything important or negotiating agreements. Be sure you understand the finer points before you commit Capricorn. On another note, there may be potential for a money earning opportunity if you're willing to try something a little out of your usual remit.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Keen to explore fresh options? A friend may offer you a trip or experience that you'll greatly enjoy. And it could open your mind to possibilities that leave you excited about the future. This can be a good time for all kinds of social events and happy encounters. Make the most of any such opportunities over coming days, as by next week your focus might be on more private issues.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Sun's presence in a secluded sector can be an opportunity to connect with your dreams and your heart's desire. Feeling a tad restless Pisces? You may have ideas that you're keen to put into action, but it's worth waiting. The Sun is nearing the end of its stay in this philosophical zone and will move into your sign next week, when you'll be in your element and ready to roll.