With fiery Mars in Aries squaring-off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn feelings can intensify especially concerning a loaded issue.
There could be an outpouring of passion and emotion, but what good would this do if a relationship is irreversibly damaged? For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 13th August 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 13th August 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The qualities of determination and fearlessness are ones that you might want to focus on, as they may help you get beyond any feelings of procrastination. If making a move on a key plan seems one step too far today, then a strong alignment could help you blast through any complacency. Pay attention to the details though Aries, as that way you have more chance of being successful.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With a lively focus on a quieter zone and the Sun the making a pleasant aspect to feisty Mars, you may be ready to handle a personal issue and find the closure you seek. Rather than it be a passive acceptance of the situation, you could be ready to talk to the relevant person and this can be very productive. On a homely note, clearing away clutter might make room for vibrant opportunities.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A potent blend of energies can see you keen to mix in new circles. This is all to the good, as in the process you could make positive new friends. But with an edgy link also showing up, assessing one social connection more objectively over coming days may help you see it in perspective, especially if there is a niggling issue with them that highlights a personal issue.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With energising Uranus at its slowest this week prior to turning retrograde, your social life may be going through an interesting phase. It's possible that old friends and past connections can emerge now, and that new opportunities could arise from becoming reacquainted with them. Your horoscope reveals that the passage of time might have brought positive changes, leading to pleasant interactions Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There is a lot of lively energy showing, so it would be a shame to let an incident ruin what can be an upbeat few days. Still, unless you make a point of letting a certain matter go, it could play on your mind and leave you with less energy and focus for other things. Good company may be a tonic, and with the Sun angling towards Mars, new adventures are there for the taking too, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There may be more to an awkward matter than meets the eye, which is why it's best to keep your thoughts to yourself and observe things from a distance. While it could be tempting to wade in and get involved, it might not help matters and instead, make them worse. Intense emotions such as jealousy or resentment may play a part Virgo, and understanding why this is, is key.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It may seem that if you do more for another they will give more back. But with Mars your relationship planet linking to Pluto, the cosmos suggests this isn't necessarily the case. In fact, they might think they can take advantage of your generosity in the future, which is certainly something to avoid. Want this to be an association of equals? The right approach will help.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As fiery Mars angles towards potent Pluto, a situation that's been ongoing may come to a head over the next day or so. This can involve a clash with someone, and there might seem to be no immediate solution. If you step back though and detach, you could notice how the intensity diminishes and enables you to make a more informed decision that works for all.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you are ready for new adventures, you might feel frustrated if you can't stretch to a more exotic vacation. But there may be hidden treasures closer to home that are waiting to be discovered. For a lot less, you could find a way to enjoy a break that allows you to unwind and relish new adventures and experiences, and be eager to repeat the fun another time Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Resisting change can be a futile exercise, and clinging to aspects of the past may keep you stuck. Embracing fresh ideas could seem audacious Capricorn, and yet be very freeing. This is the situation that you might find yourself. If so, it helps to be flexible and to consider other possibilities. Something new could be ready to blossom, but first the old needs to be released.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The present blend of energies can be both intense and pleasantly engaging, and it all depends where they are directed. You may be being far too hard on yourself regarding one matter though, and this could divert energy away from more enjoyable activities. Give yourself a break and perhaps be a little gentler with yourself. Sparkling company might help in this regard, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The angle between Mars and Pluto can certainly shake things up, and you may find that even the most innocent remarks or incidents turn into a drama. All this could seem unnecessary, but with intense energies on the go, minor incidents might become major conflicts. Involved in something that threatens to boil over? By being quietly disarming and charming it can subside.