Horoscopes Thursday 13th April 2017

The Scorpio Moon makes positive links to both Neptune and Pluto, which can mean that our dreams and fantasies might be very compelling.

Even if they are constructive, it might help to wait a day or so and see how we feel then, as our focus could shift fairly quickly. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 13th April 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 13th April 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While you might be upfront about certain matters, there can be others that you may prefer to keep to yourself, or to share with just trusted people. If so, don't be concerned about this, as this could be one of those times when you could benefit from saying little and allowing a situation to develop more naturally. This may be the wiser course of action until you do know more. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Moon in your opposite sign of Taurus making positive ties to Neptune, getting together with others for a social event could be deeply satisfying in a very subtle way, especially if you are going to a concert or a movie. But a lunar connection to Pluto later in the day also reveals the extent to which shared ideas or information could put you on a new and invigorating path.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Although you may have a social outing arranged, another part of you might relish a chance for some alone time and the opportunity to work through certain issues. And to this end, the Moon in insightful Scorpio could enable you to separate out the various strands. In addition, Mercury's rewind in your psychological zone might make it easier to discuss tender issues and achieve closure.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Moon in your sector of creativity and leisure and its link to the beguiling energies of Neptune, hints that you may be looking for something that satisfies a deeper need. Finding it could be as easy as locating a piece of music that conveys a certain experience or a picture that summons up wonder or awe. Watching a movie or reading a book may also be helpful in this process.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may have a revelation over the next day or so that encourages you to step out of your usual patterns and explore new ideas, which may be down to a link between the Sun your lead planet and Uranus in your sector of far horizons. However, it could just as easily see you deciding to take a trip somewhere that could prove very freeing and refreshing to you too, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Although you may be happy to enjoy new experiences, you can also be equally fascinated to revisit old ones and sample them again. This might include a journey to a place that had an impact on you, or even studying a subject you know a lot about from scratch, in order to confirm your basic knowledge. Indeed, the second or third time around may be the most satisfying.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A developing influence could mean you may feel moved to take a more independent path, even though Jupiter in your sign can encourage greater cooperation. While you could relish some space, it might be just as well to be sensitive to another's feelings if they suggest an outing or meeting up. If you can compromise it could well give them something fun to look forward to.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A lunar link to the mesmerizing influence of Neptune, can allow for imaginative ideas to circulate, whether you're keen to try your hand at making something or are dreaming up the perfect romantic date for a loved one. However, today's Moon Pluto connection can gift you with the insight to read between the lines if necessary, which could give an advantage in a key situation.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Though you may feel like striding out and doing your own thing, certain friends can be very happy to spend time in your company. And, this might be something to consider, as someone close may relish a chance to spend part of the day with you. On another note, a highly mystical blend of energies could bring some vivid dreams your way that might contain useful guidance.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A fresh perspective on a domestic situation could allow for new solutions that might revitalize your home, whether in appearance or even around family dynamics. Indeed, the latest information can pave the way for buzzy ideas that encourage developments. Your horoscope suggests that if you're ready to socialize, then attending a cultural event could influence you at a deep and very poignant level.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your thinking can prove refreshing to others over the days ahead and it is this that might mark you out as someone deeply interesting. Indeed, people can come to you for advice on key issues or just for a friendly chat and sparkling company. But you might also find that a unique encounter has a similar affect on you, allowing you to see lively possibilities for your own situation.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A stellar tie involving your guide Neptune, in your sign, can bring on a dreamy mood, encouraging you to seek out more subtle pleasures. You may need to focus harder than usual to get certain tasks done, as it can be easy to get distracted. Later though, a friend may want to talk, and it could be your unique brand of insight that helps them to let go of something which has blighted them.