Affectionate Venus aligns with underworld Pluto bringing our desires to the surface. And one of them could be very persistent.
If we want something we willl likely go all out to get it and the cost could be the last thing on our minds. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 12th August 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 12th August 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Keen to get ahead, Aries? If so, today's intense Venus/Pluto angle could give a ruthless edge to your desire to succeed. While this is a harmonious aspect, it can encourage you to do whatever is necessary to get what you want. Even if you have to tread on a few toes, you may have a way of doing this so that you appear charming and ever so sweet as you go about it.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The deeper pulse of the Venus/Pluto line-up, suggests there's nothing superficial about the connections you might make, one of which could prove very satisfying, if you feel like pursuing it further over coming days. Mind, there may be a touch of obsession involved, and if this is the case, then go easy. You can have powerful feelings about this person, but will they reciprocate?
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Planning on starting a home-business? An intense but positive aspect, suggests that it could be lucrative if you do the groundwork first. Don't gloss over the details in your desire to get things moving, as it's these that will help you make wise decisions. The sun's continuing journey through Leo, is perfect for giving presentations or any writing that shows how talented you are.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If someone shares your passion for a hobby or sport, it could bring you closer together. The alluring and compulsive alignment between Venus and Pluto, can find you more deeply attracted, especially if you enjoy talking about key issues in depth. And while you may not be ready to talk about your feelings just yet, your body language might give a lot away, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you're keen to get the money pouring in, then you'll be happy today, as you may get a chance at a job or contract that could pay well. The downside is that there is likely to be a lot of competition, and this might encourage you to adopt certain tactics to give yourself a head start. While this can work, it may also backfire if what you are doing becomes too obvious.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Venus making a harmonious connection to the intense energy of Pluto in your creativity zone, this can be a time to follow your passion if it leads you in a new direction. A project may sizzle with potential, especially if it involves new ideas, and this factor could galvanize you into action. Plus, if someone shares an interest in what you are doing, it might lead to a friendship.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Though it may seem easier to coast along and avoid making decisions, you might be pushed into it by the urgency of events. If you've avoided speaking out because of what others think, just go ahead anyway. Keeping quiet could seem the best option, but there are times when you have to make a choice and justify it, and this can be what is required of you now, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A harmonious but intense Venus/Pluto tie, hints at a meeting of minds that could signal an enduring friendship or perhaps a deeply romantic tie. To make the best of this opportunity, it helps to give each other plenty of leeway. You may have this person's best interests at heart, but your horoscope suggests this bond might blossom sooner, if you allow it to develop naturally rather than force the pace.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the potential to make a great impression at your job or business, don't blow it by seeming too eager to impress, as it may be noticed. If you can detach from the outcome, no matter how much you want it, you'll perform better and are more likely to be noticed. Plus, powerful insights could show up that give you clues to better understanding others or finding solutions to issues.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
In a creative mood? Whatever you produce over coming days may reveal great emotional intensity. Painting, crafts or music can be therapeutic, if you channel your feelings into your work. Keen to seize an opportunity? If so, be willing to allow space for it to blossom. If you jump on it too quickly, it might not be as lucrative as if you're willing to wait a while.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With a positive blend of energies linking to secluded and emotional sectors of your chart, the coming days bring the chance of resolving an issue that involves someone close. Making time to talk can help pinpoint any deep feelings, and so bring about a breakthrough. Letting the past go may be a part of the process, as only then will it be possible to embrace a fresh start, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
An encounter could sizzle with real promise Pisces, and because of this, it might intrigue you to want to know more. At the same time, the intensity of it may be a bit unnerving and can leave you wondering when or if you should make the next move. Relax, as if it's meant to be, it will all fall into place easily. The harder you try to make it work, the more chance there is of failing.