With the Sun in Gemini angling towards oceanic Neptune we may not have as much motivation as usual to get things done.
Yes this dreamy aspect can enhance our creative side and might find us channeling inspiraton into art or craftwork. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 11th June 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 11th June 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may have a strong desire to help someone out, but before you leap to their rescue, be sure that they really do need it. It is possible they are not as vulnerable as they appear. It might be easier to let you do it, than to have to tackle this matter themselves. A kindly but firm approach can let them know that they are pushing their luck, and that you fully understand their motives.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You could find yourself in a very romantic mood, and perhaps certain that a developing tie has the kind of potential you have been dreaming of. Before you get too carried away though, sweet Venus your ruler continues to rewind, suggesting that the more you get to know them, the more you may notice their very human flaws. If you can live with these, fine. If not, do something.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While you may be experiencing feelings of uncertainty concerning your abilities, and might wonder if you will ever make the grade, others have total faith in you and could expect you to pull something off with dazzling aplomb. Make a start Gemini, and hold the intention that you will get great results. As you do, things can fall into place, so that you even surprise yourself.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your sixth sense may kick in, alerting you to issues that need more than a superficial glance. The Sun's nebulous tie suggests the truth is out there, but it may be buried beneath layers of half-truths and inconsistencies. Even so, getting your distance from a confusing matter could allow fresh insights to bubble up into your awareness, that might help you resolve this once and for all.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While you may have lots you want to accomplish, you might need to attend to matters that are a drain on your resources. You could have a solution to hand, but putting it into action may add to any confusion. You might need to move very carefully regarding financial, business affairs and other sensitive issues. Your horoscope reveals there are areas where progress is possible though, so try to focus on these.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may make a sincere effort to let others, or another, know how you feel, but there is still potential for a misunderstanding. If this happens, then take a few steps back and try to see this issue from a more detached perspective. It might be helpful to steer clear of any such personal conversations until the potent Neptune influence has eased a little, which will be next week.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This may be a time to stand back and let others take the praise for a job well done. This should be easy Libra, as a self-sacrificing Neptune link can find you willingly doing so. But try not to let this tendency go to extremes, as it could see you taking on more work than is reasonable and putting yourself last in other ways as well. Give yourself a break and be kind to yourself too.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you try to decide whether it is worth doing something based on the cost, you may not get anywhere. If you make the decision because of your love for an activity, then you could hit the jackpot. You might not make any money out of it for some time, but your enjoyment of what you are doing can lift your spirits, encourage other imaginative ideas, and leave you happier Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A nebulous focus on a private zone can find you in a dream world, and perhaps not inclined to get too involved in everyday life. This urge may be challenged over coming days though, as the Sun's angle to Neptune suggests that others might distract you from your reveries. This could be a good thing Archer, as coming back to reality can remind you that there are things to be done.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have no qualms about helping a friend if they appeal to your emotions. But over coming days, you might have matters of your own that require attention. If their neediness has become a habit, gentle encouragement to become more self-reliant could help. There is nothing wrong with setting firm boundaries, and this week you'll realize why they are so necessary.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you have been caught out once, then it is unlikely you will be so again. But with some confusing aspects on the go, this is the time to stay alert regarding financial matters. If you get a sense that something is not right, then investigate. A desire to be charitable might also show up, and while this is commendable, think about what you can afford, as you could be rather too generous.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Telling someone how you feel may be good for you, and help cement a positive relationship. If you are in a developing bond, then things can begin to sparkle a little more from this point on. Still, make allowances for mixed messages, as it could also be easy to misunderstand a person or situation. A down-to-earth friend might help you unravel a tricky issue, if this proves necessary.