As messenger Mercury moves into the sign of Capricorn from today, its presence here can see us thinking in a very practical way about key issues.
We may find it easier to make plans and to structure our life so that every step we take moves us closer to our goal. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 11th January 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 11th January 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As the restless energies of Mercury move into Capricorn, it ties in with the sobering Saturn, bringing an opportunity for some serious thought. This might be associated with a career move or a decision to take on extra responsibility. Whatever it is, it is not something that you will want to take lightly. Yet with some great opportunities on the cards, you won't want to miss out either. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Lunar ties could inspire you to connect with someone who is as keen as you to explore an idea or go on a trip. It may be that you have a lot in common or that certain experiences draw you together. Then again, a close one could share your enthusiasm and be keen to join you. This can be a positive and uplifting time, in which new opportunities can give much food for thought Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With intense energies in a sensitive sector of your chart, and with inquisitive Mercury moving into this same zone, you might have questions about key aspects of your life. Recent weeks may have encouraged you to get to grips with certain issues, but if one seems to linger, this is a good time to look further into it. The solution may emerge from using tried and trusted methods though.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the Moon emphasising your leisure zone, you may be in the mood for creative or other activities such as baking a cake, indulging in crafts or doing something just for the fun of it. The powerful focus on your sector of relating suggests others may have a lot to say about some of your suggestions. However, your horoscope hints that doing exactly what you want to can be good for you too Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Over coming days, it could be easy to get caught up in routine tasks that can take up a lot of your time, even if they aren't strictly necessary. Other factors suggest that there may be more important things you could be doing, and that attending to them might enable you to make good progress. One project can progress in leaps and bounds if you do decide to give this your all Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With heightened astral activity in a dynamic sector, there seems to be many opportunities open to you, and perhaps more on the way. If you are willing to explore your potential and engage in new experiences, then this is certainly the time to go ahead. Plus with the Moon in passionate Scorpio making some fabulous angles, an encounter could inspire you to consider a bold move.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A lunar tie to Mars in your sector of values and resources, suggests that you may need to discuss costs with someone regarding a purchase or an investment in an idea. If you reach an agreement, then you can go ahead with a clear conscience. However, for this to happen you may need to explain the benefits to the person in question. If you do, things can go well from here Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With a very positive blend of energies in your sign, you can be an inspiration to others who need encouragement. In fact, if someone is experiencing difficulties regarding a project or an issue and have come to a halt, you could certainly be of assistance. Just hearing your voice or spending time with you can communicate something of your attitude, which could lend them confidence.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Finding a balance between the spiritual and the material planes may be helpful over coming days, enabling you to access a higher wisdom and resolve any awkward issues. If you've been trying to work things out logically and seem to have reached a dead end, this could be the answer. Your instincts or even a vivid dream, could also allow you to see exciting possibilities Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may be juggling a lot of obligations, yet as the lively Mercury enters your sign from today, you may be thinking about taking even more on board. Friends though, may have other ideas and could encourage you out and about, giving you a chance to relax and see things in perspective. Do you really need to do so much? Focusing on what is really essential can prove more productive.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With a focus on a secluded chart sector, you may become aware of how certain beliefs, perhaps resulting from childhood experiences, have shaped you. This may be very noticeable now if you have a goal in mind and can't seem to get ahead. Recognising the root cause may not change things overnight, but could help remove any such obstacles in a gentle and satisfactory way.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Some of your friends may have a very sensible approach to life, and might even have issued you with a few words of warning regarding plans or recent ideas you've had. Should you listen to them though? At present, you may be on a journey of discovery, and as you move out of your comfort zone and your confidence and experience grow, you could inspire them to have a go too.