Horoscopes Thursday 10th February 2022

The Moon in Gemini aligns with prudent Saturn in Aquarius, so we may be in a thoughtful and analytical mood.

Feelings could take a back seat and we'll be keen not to let them influence our decisions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 10th February 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 10th February 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This looks to be a time of discussion and negotiation, when you'll be keen to get support for your ideas, close deals or create that website, blog or Internet project, that's been your mission lately. Don't take it all too seriously though, as the outcome will reflect this. Be ready to inject some fun and creativity into whatever you do, and the results will easily speak for themselves, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You have a lot you're interested in Taurus, but one thing is going to stand head and shoulders above the rest. With Venus and Mars moving in tandem for some weeks and slowly drawing closer, you might be naturally attracted to something, and this could get stronger as time goes by. It may take you out of your comfort zone, but you'll enjoy any challenges that arise from it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With clever Mercury edging closer to Pluto, you may be in the mood to make plans. Consider writing down your intentions so you can see them in black and white, as this could keep you on track. Once you get emotionally involved in something you'll have no trouble continuing, even if you have to overcome a few obstacles along the way. The hunger to succeed will inspire you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It's time to do your own thing and have more self-confidence. With the focus heavily weighted towards what others want, you might tend to put your priorities further down the list. Don't do it, Cancer. Feisty Mars encourages you to negotiate in your favour. The more you do this, the more positive you'll feel. You can sway others to your viewpoint, it just takes assurance to get there.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Being authentic is important right now, and by sticking to the truth you'll triumph. It's good to be honest with yourself Leo, but also with your co-workers, friends and even those who you don't quite trust. While others may feel it is okay to tell little white lies, this is a time to show your moral superiority, as it will stand you in good stead with someone who truly matters to you.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may find that by having faith and yielding to a higher power, things begin to shape up. Doors that seemed closed can open, and opportunities that appeared to be off limits could begin to look more promising. Today's Moon/Jupiter angle might inspire you to trust your intuition or the message in a dream, or even someone else's dream of you, and see where it takes you, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Enjoy yourself on your terms Libra, and don't worry too much about trying to fit in with others. They may have similar plans to yours, so you'll sync regardless. The Moon in lively Gemini, might find you going out on a limb to explore new ideas and opportunities. If you feel like learning something new, this could be the time when you sign up for a course or connect with a mentor.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you're prepared and have a good strategy, you'll get a lot done and can outshine your competitors, Scorpio. The Gemini Moon might help you pinpoint issues that need to be brought out into the open bringing clarity to discussions, especially if something is being hinted at but not openly said. Your horoscope reveals that you seem to be drawing ever closer to an agreement you've worked hard for.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Reaching out to someone you care about can help reset your relationship, and leave them feeling good. Perhaps there are things you've wanted to say to them for a while, and if so, this is a good time to connect and have that chat. You might also receive an unexpected gift from someone that makes your day. If you thought they had forgotten you, think again, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It's time to use common sense rather than wishful thinking, Capricorn. While the focus on your sign can incline you to be practical, it is possible that you could go off on a tangent and indulge notions that won't help you get results. Whatever you're dealing with needs a factual approach, so avoid hoping and wishing for the best, and not doing anything to make your idea a reality.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Moon's unusual ties to diplomatic Venus and dynamic Mars, suggest that you'll strive to get your message across no matter how difficult it is to put your feelings into words. If you have something to share, this is the ideal time to do so, Aquarius. You'll be aware of how easily communication can go wrong and be prepared to go to great lengths to get it exactly right.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You can't please everyone Pisces, which is why you shouldn't even try. The Moon in your home zone suggests this is a day to be kind to yourself and enjoy some self-care, rather than rush to the aid of a friend, when it's the last thing you feel like doing. There will likely be someone else who can assist them, so don't let it worry you either. You just need to put yourself first for a change.

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