Mercury in Libra aligns harmoniously with cautious Saturn in Aquarius which is excellent for concentration and getting things done.
If you have a long to-do list this aspect will enable you to get through easily even if it is a tad boring. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 5th September 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 5th September 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The urge to get fit could motivate you to action. And with can-do Mars aligning with Pluto, you might set out at a fast and furious pace. Eating healthier meals and organic produce is a start, but regards working-out, don't go too far too fast, as you may wear yourself out. With an uplifting and social aspect on the go, dancing can be another way to get some exercise this weekend.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Need a helping hand? Just ask Taurus. Uplifting influences could bring offers, making the task faster and fun. A strong desire to take on a challenge might find you eager to tackle a project. If it enhances your income and gives you more room to live your life as you want to, then do it. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong and so is the desire to learn, which may lead to a breakthrough.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With Neptune aligning with asteroid Pallas, this can be an opportunity to think sensibly about a dream project or job, especially if you're in a restless mood. Your plans may have great potential, but they need shaping in a savvy way. Pallas encourages you to cut through any foggy thinking and be clear about what you hope to accomplish, as this could help you be successful.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A Mercury/Saturn link can see you acting on ideas that promote your work and connect you with those who could help and inspire you to study. But it might just as easily coincide with a desire to be with old and trusted friends you haven't seen in some time. Plus, you may get a surprise today as someone can show up out-of-the-blue. Will you be pleased to see them? It all depends.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The focus on finances can extend to your household budget, Leo. With a strong focus on your money zone, you may be keen to save. You'll also be ready to make the most of your income, to recycle items and to sell what you no longer need. And if you did want to start a home business, you could feel an urgency to begin. A powerful aspect might pick you up and set you on your way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
While you can be at your most practical and efficient, your feelings for another could draw you away from the demands of your work. Over coming days, you may register this quite strongly and potent emotions might see you imagining all kinds of possibilities. There's also a likelihood that they may not materialise. Be as realistic regarding romance as you are in other areas, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With a focus on your spiritual and psychological sector, this can be a time when you're keen to find closure on matters that are helping you progress. In need of inspiration? Reading books, surfing the Internet or talking to someone, could help you see things differently or rouse you to action. A fabulous Venus/Jupiter link signals good fortune that might leave you truly uplifted.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Have plans for a get-together? Dynamic influences suggest plenty of conversation, even if some of it is intense. If you have plans to discuss, then you could get quite a way ahead and make some key decisions while you're at it. Plus, your horoscope reveals that a Venus/Jupiter link can see you in a generous mood, and willing to spread good cheer by surprising someone with a special treat. They won't forget it.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You look to be fairly active, with the coming days keeping you on your toes, Archer. But you may find it hard to resist an invite that can show up out-of-the-blue. If you've been putting energy into a collaboration or advancing a project, this could be a way to lighten up and take your mind off things. The chance to unwind means you'll return to your task feeling energized.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With a Mercury and diplomatic Venus link in a prominent zone, your confidence may be high, and with a little charm, it might be easy to make a good impression. Is there something you need to accomplish? If so, there is someone who can help. The way you approach them could be key to getting the best deal though, and these influences make it more than likely you'll get along fine.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Been valiantly attending to responsibilities? Take a break if you're beginning to feel overwhelmed. What you're dealing with may be more emotionally intense than usual, which can take its toll. But there are bright opportunities showing, and one of them could really cheer you up. Something that seemed hard to get hold of might show up, and getting it may be easy.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Lunar ties could leave you feeling edgy, and eager to do anything except what you're supposed to. Would this be so bad though? If this leads you to find something out, then it's probably worth it. Someone may have plans for you, but don't feel like you have to join in, no matter how persuasive they are. If you want to do your own thing, just go for it and don't feel guilty, Pisces.