Mars in Aries makes an harmonious tie to Saturn in Sagittarius, which mean we'll be more focused and able to get a lot of hard work done over coming days.
If we have had a tendency to procrastinate, this aspect could see us determined to get a key job completed at long last. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 5th March 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 5th March 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Should you trust logic or run with your intuition? This decision could alter the future in important ways, depending on which you choose. A potent lunar phase hints that you may have sound emotional reasons for going with the heart. However, you could also find that a compromise works just as well, allowing you to fine tune available information and go from there Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You could find yourself at odds with the values of a friend or group, but may wonder whether you should say anything, especially if the matter is sensitive. Speaking out might not be the problem though, as it is more about how you do it. Putting yourself in their position can afford you a deeper understanding of why they feel as they do and this may help ease the situation.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A positive aspect can bring an opportunity to cement ties with someone who could have a stabilizing effect, perhaps by encouraging you to join them in a project that requires steady effort. It may involve work, but this can be something you both relish and the reason things can appear to go so well. On another note though, your horoscope suggests you give careful thought to a key decision today.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The present picture hints that an emotional pattern based on past experience could hold you back from exploring an opportunity further. An ingrained feeling may leave you wondering whether you should go ahead, if doing so would take you out of your comfort zone. This can be seen as a cosmic nudge though, and one that might entice you to explore exciting new territory.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A lively Gemini Moon makes some upbeat aspects and also angles towards the Sun, suggesting you may be tempted out by friends. You might be equally keen to tackle an issue that needs some careful thought. Nevertheless, time spent doing other things could prevent you from over thinking this, enabling the right answers to emerge from a source of deep inner wisdom.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It can seem good to air your feelings in an open forum, but someone else could have a very different opinion. Bearing this in mind, it may be helpful to sort out such personal issues in private, as the person in question might want to keep this matter as quiet as possible. But as Mercury merges with Neptune, their real agenda could remain hidden and may stay that way.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Social options seem plentiful, so there may be no shortage of events to attend or friendly invites to consider. At the same time, you may have a choice between an activity that seems worthwhile but would mean challenging yourself, over something that you have experience of but that may not offer the same satisfaction. You might though relish a bit of an adventure.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A Mars Saturn tie could encourage you to get moving on ideas that might make a positive difference to you. These could be linked with a new job, with relinquishing a habit that no longer serves or making enquiries that can lead to bigger opportunities. This key aspect might also push you to override any hidden doubts, encouraging you onward to do your very best, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Today's Quarter Moon can spotlight differing viewpoints which could make it difficult to agree on how best to tackle a home or family matter. While one of you may have a more heartfelt perspective, the other could be more inclined to view this issue from a logical standpoint. When it comes down to it though, finding the middle ground might be an easier way to resolve this.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With Mercury and Neptune blending in your sector of communication, you may wonder whether you should step in and help out a friend in need or wait for them to ask. The stars suggest that a subtle approach may be the way to handle this. Indeed, a conversation that lets them know you are there for them can encourage them to come forward if they really need to.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While a delightful invite could call out to you, you may feel guilty for spending money on something that while fun, might be expensive. But, if you haven't had a respite for some time due to a busy phase, then you very likely deserve this opportunity. As the chance to unwind is something you might relish, consider tailoring the cost so that it is more comfortable for you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If you've been working on a home-based project then it could reach a critical phase today and over coming days, in which case you may need to make a few decisions. And in this regard, it may be time to look at the facts as they could give you a clearer picture of what's possible. Don't discount your imagination either, as a few special touches could enrich the final result.