Horoscopes Sunday 4th February 2018

Lovely Venus angles towards Jupiter, making the coming days quite delightful, whether we are at work or tending to our daily routines.

Getting along with others can be easier too. However, we could overindulge and this might be something to be mindful of, even though we likely deserve it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 4th February 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 4th February 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be fascinated by a romance or a hobby that could improve your life and expand your options, and if so, it is natural to want to go ahead. Even so, your friends may wonder if they will see as much of you. Bearing this in mind, you may be uncertain as to whether to listen to their advice or to your heart. A compromise is possible of course, but if you feel strongly, then go with this. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The present planetary line-up suggests that it can help to be more direct when it comes to asking for what you want, and what you might expect of others. If you have put yourself and your needs a long way down your list of priorities, this might not be so easy. Others might wonder why you are bringing this up now, but it may be that you realize that you deserve happiness too.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There may be little point in trying to hide your feelings, as something you do or say could reveal it anyway, especially with upbeat Jupiter in Scorpio encouraging you to be more forward. You may find the strength of your emotions uncomfortable, especially if you attempt to talk about them. However, this can be very endearing and something that others greatly appreciate.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

What someone tells you may sound convincing and something you might want to buy into. However, the more they discuss it, the more you might realize that they don't know as much as it first seemed. While it could be very easy to go along with their ideas, it can dawn on you that this could cost you money. If so, ask for some time to reflect on this before making a binding decision.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With a powerful focus on your lifestyle sector, it can seem that so many things are urgent and need to be addressed quickly. You may find though, that as soon as one is completed, another appears to take its place. With the Moon in harmonious Libra, the benefits of a more balanced approach could appeal. And delegating some of your tasks might be of great help in this matter.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may have all kinds of ideas, and some of them could be quite exciting and worthy of your attention. Over the coming days, you may be drawn to one or the other, whichever seems to attract your attention the most. However, nothing will likely get done until you make a decision. And with sobering Saturn in your sector of creativity, this can be the perfect time to do just that Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With a lively focus on your sector of leisure, others may see a positive side of you, as you confidently showcase your best qualities. These can show up as talents and abilities or personality traits that might endear you to others. However, your horoscope suggests if you do need assistance, don't feel guilty about asking for help, as you are often the first to reach out to others Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may have some ambitious ideas, but a side of you may lack the confidence to make a start. And this is likely down to the presence of prudent Saturn in your mind zone, encouraging you to think about things in some depth before you make the first move. While this is a good idea, present factors suggest that being too cautious might prevent you from doing anything at all.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There is no need to rush to a decision, particularly if it is tied into your finances, income and the way you earn your money. The present situation encourages you to be very practical, and this might mean observing matters as they are, until you get a clear idea of how things can change for the better. Once you have it, then you'll know exactly what to do and how to go about it Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may have strong ideas about what you want, but the presence of feisty Mars in a secluded sector can stir up needs that may have been repressed for some time. Over coming weeks, you could register conflict, as these hidden desires battle for attention. Rather than think your way through this, ask yourself what would make your happiest, as this will likely be your best bet.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You can present a very confident image on the surface, yet may feel quite different on the inside. If this is the case Aquarius, try not to worry as you are going through a natural process whereby you are discovering your authentic self, and this can last for many months. It may mean letting go of the expectations of others though, but you then might find it easier to follow your own star.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Although you may be buoyed up concerning a key plan, your friends could cast doubt on your ideas and this might cause you to wonder if you are doing the right thing. However, with lively Mercury in your sector of guidance aligning with feisty Mars in an ambitious zone, the cosmos encourages you to pay attention to your instincts, as they could assist you unerringly Pisces.