Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Sunday 31st March 2024

Venus and Neptune begin a mystical connection which is wonderful for embracing our creativity, flair and imagination. If there is someone that we are finding fascinating, we can really trip the light fantastic. 


Aries 21 March – 20 April

Feel like you're playing a cosmic game of hide and seek? Expand your options, but keep a few secrets up your sleeve. Plus, it's time for a belief system upgrade as you discard the old and embrace the new. Enjoy the adventure of discovering new perspectives, even if it means navigating new territory. Eager to leave your comfort zone? You're on track and doing well.{copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Ready to talk about an awkward issue? It can help release stuck emotions, especially those that are hindering progress. If you're a social butterfly, you'll enjoy mingling and meeting new faces, but steer clear of gossip as it won't be good for your image. Enjoy new encounters in your social life, but go easy too. Trust your intuition to guide you in knowing who you can confide in.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Be ready to use your natural charm, as your canny understanding of others can help you form effective partnerships and collaborations. Celebrate diverse perspectives, as doing so will help you achieve shared goals. This is an opportunity to cultivate empathy and diplomacy, and make the most of your social savvy to propel yourself forward. You never know where it will lead!

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Is it time to spice up your daily routine? Take that coffee break in a new cafe or try a different route to work. And why not add a dash of romance into the mix? Who knows what exciting connections await when you're out exploring the world. Embrace the unknown with an open heart and be swept away by the magic of it all. One encounter could have spiritual overtones.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may feel like you're starring in your own melodrama Leo, as hidden agendas are on the rise. Beware too, as emotional sensitivity is hiding around every corner. Try to sprinkle in some comedy and kindness amidst the chaos, as every good scene needs a little sparkle to keep things interesting. Plus, in business, romance and pleasure, charisma is currently your secret weapon.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Relationships are in the spotlight in your cosmic line-up. And clear communication is the way to guard against social mayhem. Honesty really is the best policy, unless it involves revealing your most cherished secrets. It's time to indulge in delightful adventures, but don't forget to pack your sense of fun. Today, laughter is the glue that can hold a special outing together, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Torn between keeping quiet and saying it like it is? Listen to your instincts, Libra. You'll be keen to infuse your interactions with care and compassion and set boundaries gracefully. At the same time, honesty can help foster deeper connections. If you trust your intuition and embrace creative ideas, they'll flourish under the dynamic energy of today's Sagittarius Moon.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Ready for a romantic adventure? Passion is your forte, but it's wise to be sensitive to others' feelings along the way. You'll be in an indulgent mood too, so it helps to keep a keen eye on your emotional compass, as there's a chance you could go over the top. Navigate every aspect of the day with your trademark intensity, but ensure that every thrill is worth the price, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Showcase your ingenuity in the realms of entertaining and decorating, and you'll create a warm and inviting space for loved ones. Today, your adventurous spirit naturally infuses every aspect of family life with a sense of delight. But try to balance practicality with creativity too. Your home can display originality and yet be somewhere you and others love to recharge, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It's a good day to foster deeper connections by sharing your insights and experiences. Try to approach awkward situations with tact and sensitivity, and you'll help others to feel at ease. Need to hold a challenging conversation? Trust your intuition to guide you, and your interactions will be filled with trust and understanding. Others will be drawn by your practical compassion.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Ready to party? Dive into social whirlwinds and group escapades, and enjoy it. Your knack for attracting like-minded souls ensures every outing is an unforgettable adventure in more ways than one. Have an urge to splurge? A desire to have it all is included into today's astro line-up, Aquarius. Just remember, while indulgence is nice, it helps to keep an eye on your budget.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Moon/Venus angle hints that career aspirations are shining bright. You may be eager to showcase an idea, yet suffer from a dose of nerves too. Find a balance between craving the spotlight and yearning to blend in. Embrace your dreams with gusto, as even in the shadows, your unique talents shine bright. It's your time to dazzle, whether on stage or behind the scenes.