Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Sunday 30th October 2016

Varying beliefs about what is best for us and our future could come to the fore and vie for our attention.

Even so, today's New Moon in the transformative sign of Scorpio can encourage us not to run with our first impulse, but to consider our deeper feelings first. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 30th October 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 30th October 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Recent events may have encouraged you to look at life from a fresh perspective, in which case today's New Moon in your sector of rebirth can coincide with a gear change that could assist you in letting go of whatever no longer works for you. And whilst it can be hard to release such situations, the thought of exploring fresh options could really appeal and excite, Aries. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A sober mood can prevail today when it comes to financial matters such as purchasing items, investing in ideas or getting money matters in order. Mind, a compassionate blend of energies could encourage you to give more and perhaps begin volunteering your time to help others. Even so, be mindful of your own needs and don't be too hard on yourself, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If someone seems to be distant or even a little down, then try not to take it personally, Gemini. This can be hard if they're not willing to open up, but present influences suggest this could be a temporary phase and is likely to pass. On another note, a potent lunar phase can see you keen to try out a new idea, but it may need more focused research before you fully proceed.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a New Moon in your leisure sector aligning with the interactive energies of Mercury and the dreamy side of Neptune, you could be drawn to an idea or learning opportunity that sets a new course for the future. This could represent your ideal and be something to aim for, even if you approach it slowly. Your horoscope reveals this might also give you a challenge you can look forward to.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Although you might feel some regret from turning down an invite that isn't your cup of tea, don't dwell too long. The current backdrop suggests going with your instincts, which could mean taking a step back over coming days and doing whatever you need to do. If this doesn't happen often enough, then it may be time to make a start doing so more regularly now, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

While you and another may relish an idea that bodes well for the future, it might need to be pinned down to a time or place before you can truly bring it to fruition. Even though today's New Moon can be the ideal time to make a start, you may find that tapping into various sources of information will assist the process, be it through books, a movie or your own imagination.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Going to see an art exhibition or enjoying other cultural activities can be a good use of your time, as it might get you interested in taking up a hobby or pastime sparked by what you see. Whether you're inclined to paint, take up a craft or play music, the New Moon encourages you to begin soon, as those seeds of talent could blossom and may soon be in demand.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Today's New Moon in your sign can be one of the best of the year for you. It has personal resonance that could see you following through on plans and ideas that you might find deeply satisfying. You may want to give serious consideration into how you harvest your resources, as outlets that encourage self-expression and personal growth can be worth pursuing.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The present backdrop could see you being too harsh on yourself when there's no need for it, Archer. It may be that you've been working hard and now need to ease up a little. However, you may do the opposite and give yourself even more tasks, perhaps because you don't want to disappoint others. Indeed, a break or a change of scene could be the perfect pick me up.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may find yourself in good company with those who can empathise with your present circumstances and who might share some thoughts that renew your spirits. On a deeper level though, you can feel saddened that you haven't been able to resolve a situation, despite your best efforts. However, it may be changing imperceptibly and already be on the mend.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The New Moon in the most prominent sector of your chart can coincide with information or perhaps confirmation that encourages you onwards and upwards to pursue a dream or goal. And, if you feel that rush of excitement then you're likely on the right track. A friend may try to find fault with your plan, but don't take their words to heart, as it's time to follow your star.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be offered the chance of a trip that allows an escape from everyday life. Should you take it though? You could be aware of responsibilities that can't be left for too long, or so it seems. There may be ways around this that can allow you to get away and still keep tabs on everything. In this instance, technology might actually be really beneficial to you, Pisces.