Horoscopes Sunday 30th June 2019

The Moon in lively Gemini aligns with talkative Mercury in Leo which can see us eager and curious to uncover information and connect with new people.

The urge to find out anything interesting and to promote our ideas and ourselves may be stronger than usual. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 30th June 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 30th June 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You seem to have a way with words that is very persuasive, whether you are hoping to sell someone an idea or impress a potential love interest. In fact, your words could be one of your most fascinating features at this time, and certainly something to use to your advantage. There may be a tendency to lay the flattery on too much though, in which case, less is more Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you play your cards right, you could snap up a tremendous bargain that might net jealous remarks from those who hear about it. A lively Moon Mercury aspect, could put you in the mood to haggle, and very successfully too. On a social note, the more proactive you are about moving in new circles, the more chances there are of meeting someone who could be important to you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon's tie to Mercury in your sector of communication, can spotlight a need for a constructive conversation concerning a personal issue. If you've found yourself at cross-purposes with someone, don't overthink it, just share your feelings. Given the present outlook, they may be just as confused as you. Reaching out a cordial hand may be your best option.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With Saturn and Pluto rewinding in your partnership sector, you've probably realized that there's no point in pretending to like a certain person if you don't. Nevertheless, the ongoing Saturn Neptune link suggests feelings of guilt could cause you to hold back in a situation that you would rather move on from. Be strong Cancer, as it may be time to think about what's best for you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Although certain areas of your life can depend on the support of others, you are still master of your own destiny Leo. And Mercury in your sign accentuates this, denoting a time of upbeat opportunities. Yet Saturn's connection with Neptune, could see you accepting another's decision, when you would probably be happier with the outcome if you decided it for yourself.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be more tuned into your intuition than usual, and this could have a positive impact on your current goals and ambitions. If you get a hunch to go somewhere or call someone, then follow it up, as you never know where it might lead. With easygoing Venus in the last degrees of a prominent zone, socializing with those you are keen to impress could give you an advantage.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If a friend suggests going on a trip, then don't hang around Libra, as the stars hint that it could be very promising. You might meet someone special, find an exciting opportunity or have the chance to get involved with something that could greatly expand your options. And the people you meet along the way could add to it all, perhaps leaving you keen to repeat the experience.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Diplomatic Venus in Gemini suggests you may be tempted to tell someone what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear. Even so, the present focus can be excellent for resolving matters that may have dragged on for too long. Yet you may need to be honest to do so Scorpio. There is a way you can do this so that you get your message across, but still stay on good terms.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Just when you think you have everything worked out regarding finances, it could all change. This might have happened more than once lately, proving frustrating. With two heavyweights regressing in your money zone, you may find that adapting to any new conditions is wise for now. Going out Archer? Your horoscope hints that someone may be drawn to your witty conversation and sense of fun.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The present star map suggests that your efforts to impress a certain person could mean that someone else feels neglected in the process. And while you might like to give equal consideration to everyone, it isn't always possible. Mind, if you can arrange a get-together with them or even a special date, this could make up for it and leave you both on much better terms.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Everyone has regrets concerning past actions, and you're likely no exception. Try not to dwell on them if you can help it, even though the current backdrop can cause you to be more inward looking. You might find that keeping your daily commitments on track is far more productive, especially as the coming Solar Eclipse suggests it's wise to keep an eye on things.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Someone you know well may insist that everything is fine, when it obviously isn't. As you can have a tendency to put others' needs first, you may offer to take them somewhere nice in the hope that this will leave them feeling better. Even so, the Moon's presence in a more secluded sector of your chart suggests that a little self-care or a spa treatment might be good for you too Pisces.