The Sun in Aquarius angles towards Uranus in Taurus which could cause some disruption over coming days.
We may be keen to take on board new ideas especially if they encourage personal growth or give us more freedom. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 30th January 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 30th January 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As the more ambitious tones of the Aquarius Sun, clash with freedom-loving energies, you'll be best to start out by knuckling down to any chores on your to-do list. Once completed, sparkling aspects can encourage you to set your imagination free and enjoy a chance to unwind. And with romance in the air, a date or outing with a loved one could add spice to your weekend, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Unleash the spirit of adventure, and take advantage of feisty Mars to explore ideas and experiences that could open new doors for you. You might find that making a decision and saying yes to one such possibility, transforms your life in ways you couldn't have anticipated, and certainly for the better. What happens now can pave the way for fresh adventures, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A personal issue may need attention, if you've been out of touch with your feelings. A potent blend of energies, including articulate Mercury, hints that by discussing a delicate matter with a friend, a shift can occur that might help you be more relaxed and at peace. Allowing edgy emotions to bubble up, and accepting them as they do, could be cathartic and healing in the long-term.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Will you, or won't you? Don't hedge your bets today, Cancer. Even though the idea of commitment may leave you anxious, you could lose out if you waver. It might be a fear of failure that deters you, but once you make your move, any regrets will begin to ease. With Mercury in a compromising position, there can be a few technical hitches at the start, so be aware of this.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Routine and organization needn't be the enemy of creativity, as you may be about to discover. Even Venus in her current phase, can be great for channeling brilliant ideas and giving them form. You might decide to give an old idea a makeover and a new lease of life, which could work well. Devise a plan, and pin it down to a time and a place, and you'll get positive results, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A tie between the Aquarius Sun and individualistic Uranus, could spotlight a conflict concerning a project or even a budding romance. Will you go down the usual route, or perhaps try something a little more cutting-edge? A compromise between the two can hit the right note without being too way out. Need to relax? The cosmos suggests taking it easy and enjoying some self-care.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you find the days slipping away, with you doing far less than anticipated, it may be because you need to set boundaries and firm up your routines. And though lively aspects can gift you with much outgoing energy, this could be wasted if it isn't harnessed in a way that helps you accomplish your goals. Regards an encounter, this person might be eccentric, but fascinating!
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A focus on the energy of change and innovation, encourages you to think out of the box. And doing so, could pave the way for opportunities that are fresh and pleasantly challenging. Plus, you may find yourself in demand due to your creative abilities, bringing a chance to showcase your best works of art, and to reveal your various talents and sterling abilities to the world, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your horoscope reveals this could be a day of surprises and some disruption, that might work out better than expected. The Sun makes a zesty angle to Uranus in your sector of organization, so something you had planned may not turn out as hoped. Yet because of this, and the detour you take as a result, you could net yourself an opportunity or enjoy an encounter that is a breath of fresh air, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Impulse buys are not usually recommended, but today's spontaneous purchase could work out better than you imagined. Something snapped up might turn out to be a real find, even if it isn't exactly a bargain. Still, the Moon's link to Mercury and Pluto, can add a note of intensity. A discussion may bring up strong feelings, but perhaps it's time they were aired anyway.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may be ready to experiment with ideas and opportunities that can make a positive difference. Some of these might hold a small risk, but you'll enjoy the challenge of putting yourself in a new situation and seeing what happens. On a personal note, you could be very protective of information about someone you care for. Keeping it to yourself seems important, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A dream could intrude into the brightness of the day, bringing insights that might be as startling as they are intriguing. If it sets you thinking this is all to the good, and it may also encourage a life-changing decision. An emotional conversation can see a friend revealing something they have held back for a while. There could be a few tears, but the upshot is, it might deepen your bond.