Horoscopes Sunday 30th December 2018

The Moon in Libra forges a positive tie with articulate Mercury in Sagittarius which may coincide with a day of discoveries.

A conversation could see someone sharing information that enables us to contemplate new possibilities. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 30th December 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 30th December 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Concede to the voice of authority, or go your own way? Neither may seem satisfactory, and yet a decision may be needed. As fiery Mars prepares to move into your sign Aries, you may no longer want to follow, but to lead. For now, don't be afraid to admit that you need help with something. Doing so can be a courageous move and one that can benefit you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Moon opposing electric Uranus in a sheltered sector, a lively encounter could raise your spirits. Someone may share something that moves you deeply or that helps you to see an issue in a new light. If you have been impatient with yourself for not taking a step forward sooner, then their perspective could prove reassuring and see you forging ahead with confidence.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Even if a misunderstanding was not your fault and you've nothing to be sorry for, it can pay to heal any divisions. Although the person or people involved may be keen to see an end to this too, they might feel unable to resolve it. But with an empowering focus on New Year's Day, this can be a good time to turn over a new leaf and feel better for doing so.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may have to handle a conflict with someone who isn't on your wavelength, making the next day or so a tad edgy. There is a lot to be said for trusting your instincts, as doing so could help you to navigate through this and come out ahead. It may be helpful not to listen too much to what this person says, but to note their reactions. It could reveal so much about them.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A sizzling tie between the Moon and restless Uranus, could see you enjoying a new experience. This can add a lighter note to the coming days and give you something to think about other than the responsibilities you have ahead of you. It might be a surprise invite to celebrate the New Year with someone you haven't seen in a while. Whatever occurs, make time for fun.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be determined to get something done which can make you appear more distant than usual, when in fact, you could simply be very focused. Someone might think you are playing hard to get, and this could encourage them to make more of an effort to capture your attention. You might not even notice until you have successfully completed what you set out to do.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may be delighted that someone has chosen to share an opportunity with you, especially if it is unexpected. And pursuing it together could be very rewarding. On another note, with Mars linking to the point of healing, you may feel it is your duty to help someone out. Who is helping who though? Their presence can be a call to understand how you might better help yourself.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Someone could disrupt your routine with a call or visit, but you might not mind at all. It could make a pleasant distraction from what you had planned, and might also be an opportunity to catch up with each other. As the Sun moves to engage with sobering Saturn, there may be intense discussions on the cards. Whatever you are considering could require preparation.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

An easy-going approach could enable you to tap into a playful energy that can assist you with creative solutions, or help you feel relaxed in the early stages of a romance. Concerning worldly goals though, trusting your feelings could allow you to accomplish more. Although logic is vital concerning important matters, an intuitive nudge could save you both time and money.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With Mars in the last degrees of Pisces, you may find it easier to tune into others' moods. At the same time, they too might sense what you're thinking. If there is something ongoing that you have not revealed, others may easily intuit what is going on. Still, being open about this issue can help you feel better, especially if you talk with those who have some experience of it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As the Moon angles towards Uranus, someone may surprise you with some news or with an invite that you find hard to refuse. And this could add a cheerier note to the coming New Year, especially if an issue has been playing on your mind and you need a respite. A chance to chat and to enjoy some good company could do you the world of good as you welcome in 2019.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you're having doubts about an opportunity, consider getting another opinion. A sensitive line-up involving Mars in your sign, can encourage you to be proactive in this regard. If friends and close ones are urging you on, you likely have nothing to lose. Sometimes the fear of trying something new can be worse than just doing it, as your horoscope suggests you may find out over coming days.