As inquisitive Mercury aligns with delectable Venus, this upbeat aspect can be helpful for all kinds of negotiatons and discussions.
It can also smooth the way ahead if we are meeting someone for the first time and feel hesitant to break the ice. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 2nd September 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 2nd September 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your time may be divided between tasks and recreational activities, but on balance, your focus seems to be on getting ahead with something you may have been working towards for some while. Now the way is opening up for you to make greater strides and to feel the sense of fulfillment that comes from all your efforts. Today though, there is still time to enjoy yourself. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It may be time to implement a plan that could have a positive impact on home and family affairs, and that everyone has been looking forward to. If it involves a celebration or other similar event, there may be an air of excitement, especially if it is today or over coming days. And the stellar map suggests it might be a big success. Guests and family may be delightful and great company.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you are hoping to impress someone, then you really don't need to try too hard Gemini. A pleasant focus hints that your natural ability to get along with people from all walks of life can stand you in good stead. However, if this is related to a job or more formal situation, then keeping it formal might be better than seeming too eager, and could set a professional tone.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With so many retrogrades over recent weeks, your best laid plans may have been delayed for many reasons. Now though, with Mercury and Mars pushing forward and sobering Saturn soon to follow suit, things look so much more promising. Although the coming days can see you tempted by certain distractions, another key aspect suggests that giving it your all can bring big rewards.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may still have a lot to contend with Leo, but don't feel you have to keep pushing and pushing to get it all done. You might feel pressure from a number of quarters, but with a delightful influence urging you to accept an invite or do something more fun, why not? Over coming days, momentum and enthusiasm can build, and your horoscope hints you may get more done much faster.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With potent planetary influences in your sector of fun, your idea of a good time might involve losing yourself in a creative project that involves a lot of effort, skill and organization. But if it's something you love, then who is to say that it won't help you relax and unwind. One opportunity that is building could be hard work, but richly rewarding if you have the time for it Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're experiencing tensions with someone, a delightful aspect suggests there may be no better time to set things straight. Once you get over the initial awkwardness associated with making up, you might even find that your relationship has improved and that you get along better than ever. Regarding a family issue, matters here can begin to show progress at long last.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Don't feel guilty if you decide not to tackle to certain tasks, especially if there are more upbeat things to get involved with. You might already be enjoying one project and the process of getting it off the ground, which could prove compelling for so many reasons. If you have hopes that this could lead to further developments, then you are likely right, as over coming weeks it could do well.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The sky indicates that shouldering responsibility may be something you have taken in your stride for some while, but there are other strands that might come into play that make a refreshing change. If you are invited to try something different, give it a go, and you might be surprised at how much you like it. Anything exciting that captures your attention is gold, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It can seem you have enough to contend with without dwelling on other people's issues Capricorn. However, with thoughtful Mercury in a sensitive zone, it may be that they can't resist coming to you for advice. And although you may wonder if you are qualified to talk to them, any words you do have may be imbued with wisdom gleaned from your own trials, and very helpful.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Someone may share something with you that you might want to make a note of, otherwise you could feel annoyed later if you forget it and there is no way to get back in touch. It maybe some helpful advice or information from an impromptu encounter, and its significance might not dawn on you until later. Furthermore, an outing could be a pleasant respite and prove uplifting.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon's tie with feisty Mars could coincide with an opportunity to attend a cultural or other event that could inspire you to make more use of your creative skills. While others may know what you are capable of, you might not feel so confident yourself. Over coming days though, someone may give you a pep talk, encouraging you to showcase your talents and abilities.