The Sun in Gemini squares off with prudent Saturn in Pisces, which can cause delay and frustration if your schedule doesn't go to plan.
It's best not to force things, but to focus on what we can do. In a day or so we'll easily be able to get back on track. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 28th May 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 28th May 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Hit a few snags? If so, it could lead to a turning point and an important decision, Aries. You may be on the verge of giving up on something, but someone's advice could be all that's needed to carry on. If you experience lower energy, take it easy. Instead of focusing on how much there is to do, think about how amazing it will be when you've succeeded at this. You'll be so pleased.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be at a disadvantage if you feel powerless to change a situation that needs to shift. Even though this issue is coming to a head, you can have a much firmer grip on it than you think and be capable of handling it. Don't listen to the advice of a friend. It's not because they can't be trusted, but because they could get the wrong end of the stick and make things worse for you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be trying hard to live up to someone's expectations, and the more you try the more difficult it becomes, Gemini. Perhaps you should forget about them and try to focus on what you expect of yourself. The Sun/Saturn angle could coincide with a dip in confidence, which you really don't need. Instead, listen to your friends when they complement you. They are spot on.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It's an important time, as the decisions you make could have far-reaching results. Don't be afraid to take on someone who is in a position of power or to say yes to more responsibility. Nothing and no one can stop you if you really want success. Mind, you do need to be practical too. If you set your sights too high, that could be embarrassing. Stretch yourself, but don't stress yourself.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may be feeling very pleased with your progress, with is why you shouldn't pay any attention to what others say, especially if they're trying to get you down. There's a reason you're flying high Leo, and it's not just because you're the best person for the job, but also because you have plenty of personality. This combination is a winning one that can't be denied.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Feel frustrated by someone? The Sun's angle with Saturn is of little help, Virgo. If they won't co-operate, what will you do? You may need to use some clever tactics if you want a result. This is a temporary aspect though, so things could be very different in a few days. If you're prepared to wait, your horoscope suggests you might find they have softened and are more willing to co-operate than they were.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Sun's angle with Saturn contrasts another expansive influence, making it easier to see what's possible and what's not. Your natural optimism will be tempered by a desire to get material results. If you want something to succeed, then you know that you need to put in the hard work. You also need confidence. Feedback from others will give you plenty to fuel your self-belief.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You'll enjoy working alongside others to get the results you want. And yet the best pairings aren't always made up of people who get along superficially, but of those who share a real interest in the same things. The Sun's angle with Saturn hints that although there could be a personality clash, you'll appreciate that someone cares about getting a great result, just like you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Sun's angle to Saturn could make it difficult to take a step forward, unless you push yourself. What you need to do may not seem like a pleasant task, but more a duty that is looming over you. If someone is nagging you to get it done, this can add to your woes. Schedule in a time to complete it, and stick to this no matter what. Do a great job, and you'll be rewarded, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Difficulty communicating? You may feel like you're talking to a brick wall, when it comes to getting your message across. If you need to conclude a conversation or get a decision, you might need to adopt a clever or even cunning approach to making this happen. With a little lateral thinking, you'll soon find a way to leverage a key discussion and turn it to your benefit.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It's best to stick with the people you trust, rather than to team up with someone whose background and character you know little about, no matter how seductive their promises. The Sun links with Saturn, so sticking with the tried and trusted means you will get results even if you do face some conflict. Avoid interactions where you give too much and lose out as a result.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may come under some kind of pressure, which is fine, as long as you keep your cool and don't panic. This is the time to face each challenge as it arises, and believe you have what it takes to succeed. If the odds seem high, then the presence of Venus and Jupiter in key zones suggests you'll rise to the occasion, even if it feels like you aren't doing enough at the time, Pisces.