Horoscopes Sunday 26th March 2023

Fleet-footed Mercury aligns with healing Chiron in Aries, encouraging us to reach out and make up with someone we have had words with.

In fact, if there is any situation we need to address, this is a good day to start a conversation and sort it out. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 26th March 2023 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 26th March 2023

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Is it better to invite others on board or go solo? The ideas you're contemplating could tempt your creative muse out to play. But would you be wiser pooling resources, no matter how good a job you think you can do? With the Gemini Moon aligning with the Sun in your sign, you may change your mind once you discuss this and see the potential for a collaboration, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may be dealing with some crucial decisions concerning your plans. Should you attempt to go even bigger, or opt for a small is beautiful theme? With a positive tie to a sensitive point, don't jump into this too fast, but give yourself time to reflect. What does your heart tell you? Whatever it is, run with this and you'll likely feel much happier about your decision over the long-term.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It may pay to think first, so you can put your feelings across in the best possible way. It could be easy to blurt out the first thing that comes into your head, but others might be a tad shocked by what you say. Diplomacy and the ability to put yourself in others' shoes will be the key to resolving an issue as nicely as possible. You'll feel a sense of relief, and others will too, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It's important to stay true to yourself, but can you manage this under the current skies? To get where you need to go, it can seem you have to sacrifice certain values. How would this sit with you? If you're already feeling uneasy, then you have your answer. No matter how much you stand to gain, how much would you lose by doing something that goes against the grain?

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It can be so tempting to cut corners to get a job completed on time, but doing so might come back to bite you. Over the coming days you may need to concentrate, but find it hard to do so. The answer might be to take a planned diversion into subjects or other projects that you are curious about and deeply interested in. A short break to refuel can help you be much more productive.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If a certain problem is showing signs of escalating, it's best not to bury your head in the sand, Virgo. If you can look it in the eye and do whatever needs doing, no matter how uncomfortable this is, you will instantly begin to feel better. And if you need professional advice, then do get it. There is no need to handle this alone, as there are others out there who are willing to help.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Mercury aligns with healer Chiron, the effect can be like a soothing balm if you use it to resolve an issue and bring resolution. However someone is behaving, consider that they may be under pressure, and perhaps not able to be their normal self. You could fly off the handle, but an understanding approach, which might be a big ask, could put things in a positive light, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If a disconnect is developing between you and another, it may be tempting to see even less of them. It all depends on how much you value their friendship. What if you could work on a project or plan together? It might seem counterintuitive, but it can cement your bond and find you getting on better than ever. Your horoscope reveals that a shared goal or interest may be all it takes to make it work.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may need to discuss something that's awkward, and that might shock or surprise. The present outlook suggests this can be the ideal time to get it out into the open, and that doing so could clear the air and allow things to move forward. Even if it seems like a backward step, an understanding and empathic aspect hints that others can easily take this in their stride, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Have an urgent desire for something? You might not want to wait around, preferring to hurry things along. While you're feverishly pursuing this, a golden opportunity could be on the cards. Slowing down the pace would enable you to take full advantage of this offer, and it may be more lucrative than you think. A desire to make domestic changes will also interest you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Some things take time to develop, including relationships. You may be keen to hurry a developing bond along for many reasons, but it's unwise. You could undo all that keeps you interested, and that would be a pity. Take time with this, as it can lead to greater trust and an ever-deepening connection, and this is certainly something worth working towards, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Moon in Gemini forges an upbeat tie with the Sun in Aries. So, if you're entertaining today, it could be a positive and delightful occasion. And you'll be ready to pull out all the stops to impress your guests. This is also an opportunity to invest in yourself with some self-care, a trip out or anything that allows you to enjoy life. You deserve it, so don't hold back, Pisces!

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