Ethereal Neptune turns direct from today in the sign of Pisces, which can bring things into focus after a time of truth-seeking.
If we have found answers then our course of action may become clear. Now we just need to act. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 25th November 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 25th November 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may feel a renewed sense of optimism that becomes impossible to ignore. New ideas and opportunities may be in the offing, and it is this that could leave you so excited. As lively Mercury forges an edgy angle with Mars though, and continues in reverse, it is best not to jump into anything too quickly. Whilst be open to golden offers, do look into them before you commit. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Moon's presence in your communication zone and in the sign of Cancer, suggests you may be sensitively aware of how others feel, even if they say otherwise. Moreover, your words could prove very helpful and leave them feeling so much better. With a focus on a more intense area, time to yourself can also appeal, as it may enable you to progressively unravel what's essential.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Someone may be doing their best to sell you an idea of theirs, and you likely won't need much persuading as you may be sold on it already. It might look good in its raw form, but it will need refining, and this is where you and they may need to make adjustments. Try not to skip this step, as it can be crucial to an outcome that might lead to even bigger and better options.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If your day-to-day-life has seemed to be ticking over much as usual for too long now, then over recent weeks, you may have felt a renewed interest and a desire to expand your horizons. As the decisions you make now can set the stage for many years to come, it would benefit you to think carefully about what you want. If you get this right, then everything can fall into place.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Much as you might enjoy spending time with close ones and indulging activities you enjoy, a side of you may feel happier working behind the scenes and keeping a low profile. You might even need to make allowances for this if the day is fairly hectic. It is amazing how much a little peace and quiet can see you accomplishing, and how easy it will be to gather your thoughts.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If someone isn't getting your message, you may be tempted to withdraw and leave them to work things out for themselves. An awkward angle between your guide planet and the feisty Mars in your sector of relating, suggests that although communication may not be easy, do try to persevere. Your horoscope hints that taking into account their wants and needs can be a starting point.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may have a set agenda for the day that allows you to accomplish important tasks. But just because others don't happen to agree with you, doesn't mean you should put them aside. Be strong and set firmer boundaries, as it's hard to progress otherwise. At the same time, you may be the one that encourages others, as your words have weight and can greatly inspire people.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your approach to finances can begin to change, and you might feel quite upbeat even if things are not ideal in this life area. The very positive focus on your money zone can get even stronger over coming days, which could see you taking steps to enhance your income that seemed daunting previously. This doesn't give license to spend though, budgeting is still important.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With a lunar tie to dynamic Mars in a quieter zone, there is an opportunity to get something out in the open, as doing so could leave you with a sense of relief and freedom. With powerful planets now working to your benefit, this is your chance to pick up momentum and forge ahead with a goal or dream. Dealing with edgy issues that may be a drain can help you better succeed.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Someone may seem all bravado on the surface but in reality, may be nervous of going ahead with an idea or taking the lead in a situation, and might look to you for some guidance. A strong focus on your psychological sector can make you the ideal person to talk them through it, as you can help them to believe in themselves and tap into their strength, just as you're doing for yourself.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While this can be a time when you make new friends who seem very attuned to your ideas and ideals, it also helps to discriminate. With sociable Mercury rewinding and angling towards Mars, some people may have values that you can't warm to or condone. This is life, so don't feel bad, but do steer clear if you feel that mixing with them would tend to niggle you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If there is something you have wanted to try but haven't yet dared to, then you may find your courage is boosted by the Moon's positive tie with Mars in your sign. Whatever was holding you back before, may seem to have less of an influence on you today. You may realize that if you don't make your move, you might miss out on new opportunities and experiences to enjoy life.