The Moon in Gemini aligns with prudent Saturn in Aquarius which might be an excellent influence for teaming up with others to get something done.
This is a no-frills aspect that can be remarkably efficient if we put your mind on our goals. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 24th July 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 24th July 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you appeal to people's feelings rather than try to blast them with facts, they'll be ready to listen to you. Yet if you appear hyped-up and too enthusiastic, they may not. Have a personal story to relate, that reveals the benefits and features of what you're trying to get across? If so, that might do the trick, Aries. If it worked for you, others might be willing to give it a go.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Looking to earn more money? A positive lunar tie with prudent Saturn, encourages you to be realistic about your current situation. What's the best outcome you can achieve if you continue along your present course? If you're thinking about making a few changes, it's a good idea to set your intentions before you get started. Once you're on track, a slow but steady course is best.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Ready to move beyond your fears, and attempt something that was too hard first time around? Today's line up encourages boldness. You might even wonder why you gave up so easily. Your mood may change now and over coming days, as the spirit of adventure encourages you to take a leap of faith. The further you proceed, the more you'll realize you're more than up to the task.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You can either put effort into something that seems destined to fail, or you can ride on a wave of confidence to a destination that looks more inviting. You'll make great strides forward by working with opportunities as they present themselves. Once you get into the flow, there will be no stopping you. On a social note, your horoscope reveals that if a friendship seems like hard work, it may be time to chat.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Has a plan stalled? If so, fresh input might be the answer. Today's Moon/Saturn line-up, hints that leaving your pride aside and asking for help, could unearth some wonderful talent among those in your social circle. And working together may enable your dream to come true. On a travel note, you can be fired up about a trip. If you go, it could be a game-changer for you, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A renewed determination to overcome obstacles and get something completed, could be the driving force that gets it done. With your mind set on being productive and figuring out those annoying issues, there's little to stop you. You'll also be on a roll regarding a money-making venture dreamed up in the middle of the night. With persistence, you can do very well.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Wondering if a romance will ever get off the ground? Seeing the bigger picture could help you view this situation from a fresh perspective. Mind, if it's taking time, you'll have longer to get to know them. If or when the option arises to take things further, you'll know what you want. And if you do decide to commit, you can go forward knowing this is exactly right for you, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With your creativity at a peak, this is the time to apply it, so that it enhances your reputation. Whether you want to impress someone in a position of authority or need to produce something that has the wow factor, you'll have the confidence to pull it off. And with the Sun newly in a high-flying zone, this is the time to make a sterling effort to show you're the best out there.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Reluctant to take on board an idea? Someone with a quicksilver tongue could persuade you otherwise, Archer. The Moon/Saturn alignment means they're determined to overcome your objections, and to get you to agree. The thing is you might be persuaded, especially when you realize that going along with their plan is a smart move. If it isn't costly, it's worth a go.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Digging beneath the surface could bring rich pickings, Capricorn. If you take the superficial view, you might bypass an opportunity, and that would be a shame. However imperfect it seems at first glance, there is also a chance to make money, with the potential for this to be a long-term opportunity. The more you enquire, the more excited you can become about what's on offer.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Adding your own original touches to your outfit, could garner attention. Perhaps a unique T-shirt or a power suit, or an original or vintage look that marks you out as someone with style, will get you noticed by the right person. Whether you're going on a date, doing business or keen to get a job or more clients, the original touch will let others know you're someone with flare, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your intuition is usually good, but it might have an extra edge now that allows you to understand where others are coming from. Someone may be adamant that they're fine, but you know different. You can see it in the way they move, the tone of their voice and the vibe they're giving off. If you sense something is wrong, why not take them out for a coffee and a healing chat.