Horoscopes Sunday 24th July 2016

With the Sun newly in Leo and the Moon entering Aries today a positive connection between the two can suggest harmony between the conscoius and subconscious mind.

This positive focus can help us when making an important decision as there is less likelihood of internal conflict and a greater chance of cohesion. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 24th July 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 24th July 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the Moon eases into your sign, you may notice how fired up you feel, as though you're ready to blaze a trail. A harmonious Sun Moon connection suggests your head and heart could be in alignment, allowing you to move forward with your plans uninterrupted. Even so, as Mars continues in Scorpio, intense feelings can linger on if a key situation remains unresolved. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Moon's positive link with Mars could coincide with a friendly invite that might add something special to the day. Furthermore, with the red planet pushing forward in your sector of relating you may decide to attend this event, even if you don't quite feel like it. Mind you, if you do you could find you greatly benefit from a meeting that seems somehow fated.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Whatever issues or challenges you face, solutions can be found more easily if you're prepared to discuss matters with those involved. Moreover, you may find that such conversations spark creative ideas that would not have shown up otherwise. However, it may be helpful to limit yourself to just one or two Gemini, otherwise your mind might run away with you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A lunar connection to Mars in Scorpio suggests not dwelling on the past but making a firm decision to move on from anything that you can no longer change. In fact, you can only really influence your thoughts and feelings as long as they are not too ingrained. Nevertheless, your horoscope suggests you may be tempted to revisit an old issue, but will this stir up emotions that you might regret?

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A harmonious Sun Moon link can see you keen to try a new experience, especially if it helps expand your options. With so much positive energy pulsating around the heavens, the idea of moving out of your comfort zone may be very appealing. Then again, should any fresher opportunities show up closer to home Leo, don't immediately dismiss them out of hand.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may find that time for reflection not only helps you come to terms with any mistakes you may have made, but can also offer a chance to tap into your creative side. Your dreams may be significant in gifting you with ideas that you can use to move a plan forward or enliven a key project. You might consider having a notepad by your bed to write any down, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The go-getting energies of Mars in your money-making sector can see you with extra willpower to apply to the task of getting your finances fully in order. He has been in this sector for some while, but you might feel that minor tweaks will no longer do. Instead, you could be minded to make some more radical or sweeping changes, to really fire up your prospects.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Some exciting news may arrive over coming weeks, and it could be linked with a goal, ambition or career move. However, this needn't be the only source of excitement, if you're willing to adopt a proactive approach. With so much planetary activity showing up, it would be a shame to wait for something to occur when you might just as easily make it happen.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With Jupiter in a prominent location, others can be waiting for you to take the lead. And you may feel minded to do so, Archer. However, would one person benefit from taking more responsibility? You may even decide to tell them so. However, if you do need to inform or guide, a great link between Mercury and Venus gives you the astral tools to do it graciously.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You could feel most at home with friends or close family with whom you can relax and feel completely at ease. You can talk if you want, or remain silent – either way a deeper process may be taking place which shows a developing trust. Romantically, someone with a mesmeric personality could be growing on your consciousness by the day. And it could be very exciting.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you know what you want, there's a good chance you also know how to get it. And if you want to make the most of the weekend, it may be an idea to make sure that family and friends get their desires met too. Your gift for being inclusive can see you arrange things so that everyone feels fully involved. This could lead to quite a magical weekend Aquarius, for you all.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Although you may be outwardly bubbly, Saturn's ongoing tie with Neptune suggests that beneath this you could be battling one or two fears. However, it's important to realise that you're not alone and that many others are being affected by this aspect. This can be something to bear in mind should you feel anxious, for someone you encounter might be feeling the same.