Articulate Mercury's tie with transformative Pluto suggests that words can have power and the ability to influence others.
The right words spoken at the right time could soothe and heal and the wrong ones could cause a rift. It can pay to use them wisely. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 24th February 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 24th February 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although practical matters and responsibilities can keep you busy, you may be sensitive to others' moods and feelings and are likely to pick up on them. And while this can be an advantage if it gives insights into how a situation might pan out, you could find certain places and atmospheres uncomfortable. If so, a cleansing shower and some time alone can help you recharge. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As electric Uranus prepares to move into your sign for the long-haul from early next month, you may feel the winds of change blowing through your life. While dynamic Mars in your sign, encourages growth, expansive Jupiter in your sector of transformation, reveals that gently discussing an edgy situation could lead to a shift that brings positive new options your way.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may have a lot on your plate, but even so, you might accomplish more if you leave complex details for another day. Links to hazy Neptune suggests that you might be a lot more productive if you focus on the creative aspects of any tasks involved, as your imagination may be at a peak. You might also enjoy visiting an art exhibition or craft fair to soak up some inspiration Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A conversation could open your eyes to new possibilities. You might touch on topics and experiences that remind you there is so much more in life to discover and enjoy. It may take someone you know well to encourage you out of your comfort zone though. Stepping onto a new path, along with a partner or good friend, could make it a truly uplifting experience.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you look at what you have achieved over the past few months, it is likely a lot. And although it may fall short of your expectations, there's no reason to feel disappointed. Even so, an awkward lunar tie can see you becoming defensive should someone dare to suggest you could do better. It may be true and perhaps you could aim for this, but your horoscope suggests that for now you should feel proud.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With sobering Saturn aligned with chimerical Neptune, you may find someone you know delightful, but a tad unrealistic. And if they try to persuade you to support one of their creative projects, you may have doubts. And yet their imaginative ideas could be the perfect complement to your practical take on life, if you were to collaborate on a plan that interests you both.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may have many reasons why you feel you should chase up an opportunity or move ahead with a budding romance. Is it wise though? Nebulous aspects hint that although you may have a powerful urge to push ahead, it may be helpful to let such matters sit for a day or more. If it still feels right, you can go for it, but until then consider pressing pause and doing something else.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
No matter what others might say, this is no time to shun the spotlight, but to revel in the attention of others. If you have wondered about showcasing some of your creative work or your brilliance at a sport or hobby, then the cosmos encourages you to be bold. A lovely Sun Moon tie hints that not only might others be impressed, but that it might encourage you to move to the next level.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While you might have plenty of tasks to get on with, the presence of the Sun in a more private sector, suggests that you might prefer to spend time at home, perhaps relishing some quiet time. Do you really need to get on with a project so urgently, or could it wait another day? The present star map suggests downing tools and doing something that might relax and recharge you Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you could do with some motivation to reach a goal, or if you would enjoy extra company, then lunar ties can inspire you to get involved with a group or club that caters to your interests. You may want to get healthier or learn more about a hobby in a supportive environment, but whatever it is, it can be so much more enjoyable if you have others you can talk to and share ideas with.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It is worth staying open to ideas and opportunities Aquarius, as something may show up that can support an ambition or that helps you in some other way. They might not come as bold announcements though, but more as subtle hints. So, don't dismiss ideas because there is no fanfare, as they could prove promising if you are willing to road test them and see how it goes.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If you get the urge to go on a journey or even to book an impromptu vacation, then it might be down to aspects that bring on wistful yearnings and an urge to experience calm and solitude. If there is a place nearby that brings you a sense of peace and harmony every time you visit, then do consider it. Things can get very hectic, and this might allow you to relax and recharge.