With sultry Venus opposing expansive Jupiter this delightful aspect can contribute to a wonderful social event or a romantic date.
We may not feel inclined to work hard, preferring to enjoy a few luxuries and relish the pleasures of life. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 23rd June 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 23rd June 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There can be much that is hidden beneath the surface. And although you may be looking for answers, they might not show up right away. You may need to be content with hints and intuitive nudges for now. Moreover, with key planets forging angles to ethereal Neptune, there may be less inclination to chase things up, and more of a desire to go with the flow for now Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Friends may seem willing to offer their opinions about what you should do concerning a personal issue. Are they really speaking with authority though? The chances are that they do not, and that your thoughts and feelings on this run deep. They may have some advice that applies at a surface level. However, trusting your instincts can be the best way to move forward Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It can seem that keeping your ideas to yourself is the best way to ensure nobody bothers you. You might prefer that your lovely dreams about what is possible remain intact for now, rather than be disillusioned. Is this wise? You could find broaching this subject empowering, as even if others suggest a few changes, your horoscope reveals you could have a better chance to make such plans a reality.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your honesty could leave a friend aghast, especially if they haven't asked for your advice. You often have a sixth sense about what is going on for people, and if this is the case, you may not be able to resist saying what you think about this person's predicament over the next day or so. With Uranus on the field, they may prefer to make their own decisions even if they're proved mistaken.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
This has the potential to be a delightful day, if you can avoid letting your feelings influence your decisions. Your usual upbeat and entertaining side could be skewed by emotions that might border on the obsessive at times. You may smile through gritted teeth if you don't get what you want, but if you did get it, would you be any happier? The chances are that it may be short-lived.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Get ready for an interesting and exciting encounter that could pave the way for a delightful opportunity. It may happen when you're off the beaten track and not following your usual routine. Perhaps you are on a trip or engaging in a new experience. If you are open to new ideas, you might enjoy conversations that offer you ways to enhance your life and future plans.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This may be a good day to give your patterns and routines a nip and a tuck, and to tidy them up so that they reflect your changing priorities. With the Moon in your lifestyle sector linking to emancipated Uranus, you too may want to free yourself from the tyranny of activities that you no longer enjoy. This won't be possible with many tasks, but where you can change things, do so.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
While you know the benefits of investing your time wisely, you may not always feel like it when there are more exciting things to do. With Neptune in your leisure zone forging a link with Jupiter in your sector of money, you could feel guilty for wanting time off. Finding a way to enjoy life while doing what you must, could leave you much happier, and energized too Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may wish for a low-key day, but unexpected developments could see you having to do some work or even stand in for someone, if required. Or you may be invited to an event that you can't really get out of. Whatever the scenario, it could work to your benefit in one way or another. You might find that you develop a closer relationship with someone or gain in some other way.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
There may be a lot going on inside that you can't or don't feel like sharing. Don't think you have to Capricorn, as some issues require mulling over first. If others want to know what is happening, don't feel obliged to tell them until you are ready. You'll know when this is, as an issue can begin to hold less charge and you'll feel less obsessed, while also have no real problem in discussing it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Moon's tie with freedom-loving Uranus, suggests thinking twice before making an impulsive purchase. It may be a gadget for your home that sounds perfect, if you believe the advertising. If it fits the bill, no problem, but it may be wise to do some research first as you could find something that suits you better. And if you really don't need it just yet, save your cash Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It can seem more fun to involve yourself with family projects and domestic jobs than to get to work on your own plans, especially if you are not yet certain how they will pan out. While you may have been keen at the start, any diminishing enthusiasm could be down to not having a clear plan. Allow some time for creative and restful activities, and the ideas you need will likely come.