Horoscopes Sunday 22nd November 2020

Luscious Venus entered simmering Scorpio yesterday intensifying emotions and rekindling passions.

Fulfilling our deepest desires can be a top priority and we may be willing to manipulate situations to get what we want. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 22nd November 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 22nd November 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If others complain that your buoyant mood seems to have been replaced with a sterner outlook, then it may be down to expansive Jupiter moving closer to taskmaster Saturn. If you have matters to attend to or negotiate, then you are quite right to want to get on with them. Yet Mercury's link to Neptune, suggests that unless you keep your focus, you could get distracted. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There may be an air of intensity regarding a relationship that seems to be at a crucial phase. Key issues might need to be discussed, and the future of the bond could depend on how they pan out. Even if this is romantic in nature, you can find yourself being quite business-like. Yet knowing what you both want out of any new association may build a solid foundation that serves you both.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A pleasant Mercury angle to Neptune can make for a buoyant day, when your confidence may be boosted by a compliment or words of praise. Yet in contrast, an edgy lunar tie could leave you wondering about someone, and their take on your ideas. Why not ask them? Your horoscope suggests that if they give constructive criticism, this might help you to do better, and you can be grateful for their input.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a Quarter Moon in your sector of adventure, the idea of exploring new ways to improve your life and enhance day-to-day activities, can appeal. However, rather than dive in right away, the cosmos encourages you to firm-up your intentions. This could be a stepping off point to bigger things if you know what you want, and why. Dream away, but take steps to make them a reality.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Sun in your leisure zone could amp up your social scene, Leo. Indeed, getting more involved in an interest you're passionate about, might be one way to connect with someone you are drawn to. Today's powerful lunar phase may find you contemplating a business or financial opportunity that can be linked with your creative abilities, and that seems to show promise.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As the Sun moves further into your home zone, this is a time to take stock and consider what needs doing, especially if you have neglected those important tasks, Virgo. While you might not feel like getting your house in order, you'll be amazed at how much better you feel if you get down to some serious tidying up and decluttering. Your mental clarity could be enhanced.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Today's Quarter Moon in your lifestyle sector, could be a test of whether you can walk your talk. You may have been busy telling everyone about your latest diet or exercise routine, but unless they start to see results, they might wonder. If you have been true to your word, then you can flaunt your progress. If not, make a start Libra, as even if tardy it's better than nothing at all.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A dreamy lunar phase could see you weighing up the cost of something that's a tad expensive, if truth be told. Even so, this may not deter you, as with the Sun in the sign of adventurous Sagittarius and the Moon in Pisces, you might decide to conveniently ignore the facts in your rush to make it your own. But it can pay to be a little cautious here, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With the Moon in your home zone angling towards the Sun, you may have reached a crucial stage in a plan that requires careful thought. If it's linked to home and domestic matters, then asking the family for their ideas might help clarify your own. You certainly have nothing to lose if you want to find a workable compromise. This moon phase can be a springboard to success too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the Moon angling towards Venus in Scorpio, your attitude to a friend or associate may be quietly intense, and you likely know why. Do they though, Capricorn? If not, then telling them might not be the easiest of conversations, but it can help you feel better. On another note, don't mistrust your intuition regarding a key situation, as it could be more accurate than you think.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Sun in your sector of friendship and long-term goals for the coming four weeks, this can be one of the peak times to network and add valuable contacts to your current list. It's also an opportunity to down tools and have some fun, as far as you are able considering the current restrictions. Have a desire to get moving on a personal dream? This could soon be a reality.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Today's Quarter Moon in your sign, can highlight a plan or project that may have reached a crucial stage, Pisces. How are you enjoying it so far? If it's all falling into place and you are happy with your progress, then go ahead and see it through to a successful conclusion. Having doubts? Perhaps someone with experience could offer words of advice that boost confidence.

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