The Moon in Scorpio opposes trendsetter Uranus, which can find us seeking excitement and not inclined to settle to our usual tasks.
This lively aspect could encourage a restless few hours and this is when we might make impulsive buys or decisions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 20th September 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 20th September 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may be in two minds as to whether to share news or information, or keep it to yourself. As knowledge is power, the desire to keep it a secret could seem the better option. If you do speak out, the news can travel fast. This is no problem if you don't mind, but if you have a plan that needs the element of surprise to make it a success, then it might be wise to stay quiet for now.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your ideas may seem eccentric to some, but to you they can make perfect sense, so don't let others' doubts put you off. What you are considering might be a new departure for you, and a move out of your comfort zone that could be both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, once the important people in your life see that your plan works, they'll become your best supporters.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As the Sun comes to the end of your domestic sector, are you feeling more at home with yourself? Mars retro in Aries could find you enjoying more alone time, and standing back from your social situation. The Moon's link with expansive Jupiter might find you diving deep, only in this instance, your horoscope reveals that it can be in the context of money or a savvy business move. Trust your gut Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Certain people may be in a demanding mood over coming days, and with brainy Mercury angling towards prudent Saturn, you might not be as upbeat as usual. Can you adopt a philosophical approach, even if their attitude is irritating? If all fails, Venus suggests a little something to boost your mood, and investing in a pampering soothing session or makeover could do it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may be ready to explore your wild side, and to see yourself in situations where you can be a major influencer, Leo. The Moon in Scorpio and its links to expansive Jupiter and electric Uranus, could stir up desires and push you to explore new platforms for self-expression. With a practical focus ongoing, you'll also be aware that becoming well known does have a price.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The notion that someone may be quietly taking advantage, can begin to dawn on you. With the Moon in Scorpio connecting with sweet Venus in a spiritual zone, it could seem as though you have made one too many sacrifices, even though they have been done with a willing heart. Mercury's more severe angle suggests being firm, so you don't run down you own resources.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It can seem that unless you act quickly and decisively, you could miss out. This may not be the case at all though Libra. With Mercury forging awkward angles to key planets in your home zone, doing so might cause problems if family members have objections to your ideas. Hoping for a change of heart? A positive solution can be forged in the fires of an intense discussion.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The conversations you hold over the days ahead could set a friendship in motion, or encourage you to collaborate on an idea. Although you may be fizzing with excitement, an awkward link with potent Pluto might work to your benefit by encouraging you to slow down and do more research. Eager to get to the finishing line? Think more in terms of standing out from the crowd.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A face-off between the Moon and Uranus, suggests some restlessness around mundane tasks. What you really want is more variety and stimulation, and following an intuitive nudge could be the answer. Get an urge to call a friend? Try a new form of exercise, go for a walk or jog to burn off some steam. Anything that breaks your routine can leave you refreshed and eager for more.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Social events may be buoyant and lively. Plus, someone can set you thinking about ideas and beliefs you have taken for granted, and this could be a game-changer. But as messenger Mercury angles towards Pluto and Saturn in your sign, you might have your work cut out to convince someone that you are the best person to make a success of a job or great business opportunity.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Someone's opinion could cause a dip in confidence, if you let it Aquarius. The key to making progress may be to ignore them and make a start anyway. The right approach can prove them wrong. With the Moon in Scorpio angling towards Venus and Jupiter though, making an issue pubic can have positive repercussions, bringing support, but also a sense of a burden shared.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Although you may be keen to collaborate with someone on a ground-breaking idea, awkward aspects suggest some caution. Make sure you are both on the same wavelength before you get overtaken by the excitement of it all. In fact, the coming week or so could reveal many reasons why you should nip this in the bud. But if you can work through these, there is hope Pisces.