Expansive Jupiter turns retrograde from today until October 18th which can inspire us to improve our inner game.
If we there is a skill we need to learn or other positive changes to be made this is the time to go ahead. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 20th June 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 20th June 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, enters its rewind phase for some months, which can be a call to find your hidden treasure trove of skills and resources, some of which you might not even know about. Take a journey of discovery through the landscape of your inner world, and see what you find. Events, or the need to resolve a problem, may bring them out into the light where they belong.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As positive Jupiter reverts for a few months, it can encourage you to consider who your real tribe might be. Are you happy with the connections you currently have? While your affinity with loyal friends will remain intact, you could find that certain associations may not seem to have any real purpose, especially if you haven't linked up in a while. If so, it might be time to let them go.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may need to put a plan you've been working on, on hold for a while. Doing so could help your thinking around it to mature, and for new ideas to percolate. There is no harm in leaving it as you play around with concepts, and give your creative abilities free rein. As Jupiter reverses and changes signs on July 28th, the months ahead can be a time to explore and experiment.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The coming months can provide an opportunity to get qualifications or learn new skills, that might help you to get ahead in the future. If you have a goal in mind, then Jupiter's retro phase from today, suggests that preparing for it could get you off to a great start, once you do make your move. Welcome any changes too Cancer, as they may lead to some exciting developments.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
No matter how much you want to speed ahead, the current batch of retrograde planets, including Jupiter which rewinds from today, suggest taking your time, Leo. As this expansive planet goes backwards in your sector of resources and deep emotions, it can be an opportunity to work on releasing feelings that might leave you more at peace around money and relationships matters.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As expansive Jupiter regresses from today for some months, you'll have an opportunity to work on a relationship that you might have taken for granted. Something may shift, and the realization that you have a part to play in shaping its future can inspire you to put more time and energy into it. You could also reconnect with someone who is an inspiration and great company all round.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The action could kick off over coming days, with a fun invite. Or you may be ready to organize an outing that friends and family can enjoy. A chance to reaffirm your connections and spend quality time with close ones might be very good for you all. Keen to make a dream a reality? Once you have overcome any initial hurdles, the determination to succeed could keep you motivated.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Have responsibilities to attend to? You may be dragging your feet, especially if you can think of better ways to spend your time. An awkward link suggests that you might have promised something, and due to a new development, wish you hadn't. Don't think too much, just get them out of the way, as you'll make a much better impression if you keep your word, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Regarding family matters, Jupiter's rewind phase can see you contemplating a change. This has been on the radar for a while, but you may not have had a chance to do anything about it. Over coming months, you could feel moved to research this further, especially if it's a long-term project. And by early next year, you might be ready to put it into action and reap the rewards.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It may be time to question ideas and beliefs that might be limiting you, and keeping you from accomplishing things that need you to see the bigger picture. Sometimes it's not so much that you can't, but that you think you can't, that is holding you back. Try pushing the boundaries, even though it could cause a frisson of fear, as your horoscope suggests this is the best way to discover how brilliant you are.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As upbeat Jupiter retrogrades from today for some months, it does so in your personal financial zone, which can turn your attention to your inner resources. What skills, abilities or character traits could you make use of to enhance future progress? You may find an opportunity that's perfect for you, requires you to dig deep and release some of these hidden talents, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As generous Jupiter rewinds in your sign from today, it can inspire you to reflect on and review your plans. What might you do to improve on matters? You may feel that a whole new strategy is required, and this could lead you to explore ways to get ahead by experimenting with other ideas and using trial and error to find the best move forward. Soon enough, you'll be on track.