Mercury retro in Libra forges an edgy angle to sobering Saturn which can coincide with some frustration and a slower rate of progress.
This is not the best time for meetings and discussions where you'll need to reach an agreement, but can be helpful for getting organized. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 1st November 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 1st November 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
By trying to please everyone, you may end up pleasing no one Aries, and this could make the coming days difficult in more ways than one. Mercury retro's angle with Saturn, means the chances of a breakthrough might seem faraway. Yet within a week, things can be different, once the planet of talk and thought turns direct, giving you a lot more bargaining power.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You could swing between one option or another and not get anywhere, and this might continue for some days. What is holding you back? If you should commit to one choice and it was not what you thought, you can always change your mind. While you may feel stymied by indecision and uncertain what to do next Taurus, over coming days a way out will show up.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Maybe you have something to say to someone, but can't seem to make a start. The sobering Mercury/Saturn tie, could coincide with fears about what might happen next Gemini. It isn't like you to be short of words, but for now, you might be. Yet if you can let this go and wait until Mercury pushes ahead next week, something may shift, and you'll feel positively different.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Is someone being unreasonable? If so, hoping that they will have a change of heart may be too much. And with Mercury in indecisive Libra angling towards cautious Saturn you might realize that if you are to have a chance of making a difference you need to say something. You have sensitivity, tact, and diplomacy on your side, and this could swing things if you make a move.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While you could be dealing with the downside of a situation this week, next week can be different, as you may see possibilities where none appeared previously. Try not to let any frustrations get the better of you, as you'll soon feel less like a victim of circumstances and more like a victor that has faced a challenge and come through. Your state of mind might make all the difference.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon in your sector of far-horizons might assist you in seeing a situation through a more wide-angled lens. You can't solve an issue with the same level of thinking that created it, and you could find yourself at a dead end, unless you get a different perspective. Whatever occurs Virgo, standing too close can block solutions, whereas getting some distance may be freeing.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Whatever is happening on the home front, could demand a lot from you. Yet if this is leading to new developments that have been in the pipeline for some while, then it will all be worth it. It is understandable though, if you feel that there is no let up. Be kind to yourself, as with Venus now moving through your sign, this is a good time to invest in some self-care and pampering.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be bubbling over with ideas that could make a difference to you and others. The next day or so, can be a prime time to explore an exciting array of options, and zero in on those that appeal the most. Still, there is one issue about which you might feel blocked, with nothing seeming to help. Events may orchestrate a breakthrough though, and this could resolve it.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your mindset can play a key part in how you tackle an issue that seems overwhelming, perhaps because you feel boxed in by responsibilities and unable to do as you please. Talking to others who may be going through something similar, could help boost morale. Next week you might still face the same challenge, but you'll have a different attitude which can change everything.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With far-seeing Jupiter drawing ever closer to potent Pluto in your sign, a major development may be on the cards. Are you plotting anything big Capricorn? If so, go easy over coming days as you meet up with obstacles that you hadn't anticipated. You might need to slow down and backtrack to work through any tricky issues, but your horoscope suggests that by the end of next week things can be easier.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The old and the new may vie for attention over coming days, and influence your decisions. If you have experienced being stuck around a certain situation, and found that no matter how hard you try things have refused to budge, let it go. Inspiring and lively influences suggest that a chance remark or a positive encounter could be a catalyst for the solution you are seeking, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may become obvious over the days ahead just how different your values are from those of certain friends. Does this mean that you should distance yourself from them Pisces? It doesn't! Rather, it suggests this is an opportunity to appreciate your varied viewpoints. These might contribute greatly to the richness of your relationships, and enhance them in so many ways.