With the Moon in Sagittarius embracing Saturn, we may be very aware of the limits we place on ourselves and of what might be holding us back.
Conquering them may be another matter, though. Even so, if we refuse to stand in our own way and make even small efforts towards our goals, we can overcome. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 19th June 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 19th June 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
What may be evident is the extent to which certain fears have affected a key personal goal, Aries. However, you might find you can resolve this to an extent, by taking a closer look at what exactly is bothering you. If you then take small steps in the direction of your dreams you can slowly prepare yourself for what needs to be done to actually accomplish it in reality. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The current astrological picture suggests you might seem at peace with the world, but in reality you may not be quite so self-assured. In fact, over the days ahead it may be helpful not to hold onto your emotions, but to talk about them openly. You may find that by doing so you begin to feel easier in yourself, even if things are not as perfect as you would hope.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Events might not have worked out the way you first hoped, but that doesn't mean that they can't improve. The coming days may spotlight an issue that's been ripe for discussion for some time, and yet could leave you with the idea that this connection is flawed. However, if goodwill underpins the relationship, then things can change for the better.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The present planetary setup suggests you might feel like dismantling something you have put time and effort into building up, and it may be because you feel it isn't good enough. However, this is likely very subjective. If you were to ask others' for their opinion you might find they view your efforts through more forgiving eyes and see the value in your accomplishments.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There's a chance the developing Full Moon could bring feelings to the surface that simply won't go away. However, this may be because you're exasperated by one strand and can no longer hide this. If so, voicing your discontent can be enough to get things moving. Your horoscope hints that although not everyone might agree with you, being more abandoned and just saying it can feel liberating.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Whatever is happening in your life, the presence of Venus in your social sector can bring extra possibilities. If you have the opportunity to spend time in good company over coming days, whether in person or over the phone, then it can do much to take your mind off any ongoing issues. Even a coffee with a friend might be enough to see you a lot more upbeat.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Certain ideas have instant appeal, perhaps because their time has come. However, other ideas may not be adopted quite so enthusiastically, even if you see the potential. Over the next few days, it may be prudent to let others be when it comes to working such things out. Whilst you might get it, don't feel responsible for converting others too Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The astrological picture asks if you are taking too much on trust. Links to the hazy energies of Neptune might mean certain people are distorting the facts for no obvious reason. With Mars rewinding in your sign you may lack confidence in your intuition even if it does send an alert. What you can do however, is be determined not to give one person too much credence.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you can cut back your schedule today and tomorrow, do try. With Sagittarius Full Moon fever making itself evident for the second time in a month, it can help to have less to do, so as to better cope with any unexpected developments. Chances are you will find that everything appears much simpler once this phase is over and your equilibrium is once more restored.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may think you have covered all the bases, but there's a chance you haven't, as the cosmic backdrop presently reveals. Furthermore, with Neptune involved in the mix, it's possible that you've missed something of prime importance. Indeed, Jupiter's link to Pluto suggests checking key facts out once more, for by doing so you might uncover a promising opportunity.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It could seem that just as you have finalized your plans something comes along to change everything. This can be the case over the next day or so when a mishmash of influences, along with a Full Moon, might throw everything into disarray. However, it's not necessary to start from scratch, as over the coming week or so things may fall into place quite effortlessly.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
While tempting to do so, it may not help to fret over the past. Feelings of regret at what might have been could detract from opportunities that are opening up for you in the present. Although, you may wonder what would have happened if you had made other choices, there appear to be possibilities on the horizon now that could take your life in a new direction.