Expressive Mercury turns direct from today after its three week retro phase, which can see delays and obstacles gradually disappearing.
Go easy for the next week or so though, as there can be the occasional snafu as Mercury gets back into its forward stride. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 19th August 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 19th August 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There may be times when you wonder what your efforts are accomplishing. With sensitive Chiron, the celestial body linked with healing in your sign now, you could find yourself trying out a range of options as a way to feel more secure in yourself. The answer though, may be to go more deeply into the root cause of any uneasiness, as this might lead to a profound breakthrough. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The powerful flow of energy between expansive Jupiter and mystic Neptune, can bring you closer to someone who seems a source of inspiration and delight. As this subtle but beautiful aspect reaches its peak, your relationship with this person could be one of joy at having met someone who leaves you feeling so positive, and who may at times seem rather like a mentor too.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As Mercury your ruler, turns direct and links to convivial Venus, you may feel drawn to form a stronger bond with someone. If you have been hesitant, events over coming days can leave you in no doubt that this could be the right course of action. And as Mercury gets back into its stride, you may realize how compatible you are and how much you might accomplish together.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you wondered about purchasing an item for your home, then dealmaker Mercury's forward motion from today can be of benefit. Rather than buying the first thing you come across, cosmic forces encourage you to research various options, as you may be able to seek out a bargain. Try to keep associated paperwork and receipts though, just in case it needs to be returned.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As the Moon in buoyant Sagittarius and your leisure zone ties with expressive Mercury and sweet Venus, you may feel the time has come to take an idea off the backburner and put it into action. If you do, inspiration might come from the unlikeliest sources and could infuse your ideas with great beauty. Be clear about costs though, as a vague approach might mean more expense.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you have been working to resolve a deep-seated issue for some while, the coming week could see you on the verge of a positive breakthrough. The key is not to discount your feelings or to undervalue your experience, as owning it all can speed up the process of healing. In addition, having someone to talk to about it could act like a soothing balm that eases your soul.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The time may be ripe to tentatively move forward with a plan that may have been delayed over recent weeks. An enthusiastic discussion may get the ball rolling and inspire you and those involved, to get to work. There may be other benefits to making a start, as there is a possibility of making new connections or perhaps as your horoscope suggests, calling up an old friend who may have special skills.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If your best laid plans have failed to come together, then there may be reasons to feel more hopeful from today. You could discover crucial information that speeds up the process and enables you to cautiously move ahead. At the same time, romance can be a highlight this weekend, whether this involves someone new or a special date-night with your partner.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Lunar ties to Mercury and Venus can see you connecting with someone you may not have seen for some time. Whether they live far away, or you have been too busy, the time may be ripe to give them a call or perhaps arrange a visit. On a spiritual note, you may be surprised at how powerful and vivid your dreams are. They may offer insights or creative ideas if welcomed.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If a certain matter has seemed stuck beyond what is considered normal or reasonable, then there may be hope on the horizon. It might be partly due to the number of planets currently in reverse. As communicator Mercury forges ahead from today, this issue may show some movement and with patience and thoughtful action, it might soon completely unravel.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If there has been a misunderstanding Aquarius, then making amends might be easier over coming days, and especially if you take charge of the process. This might be the last thing you feel like doing at this time, but the person who most stands to gain maybe you. Any tension you have felt in this regard can begin to melt away once discussions swing towards the positive.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As the long standing link between your rulers the generous Jupiter and caring Neptune reaches a peak, it might help to rethink your relationship with someone, and particularly if you feel you have been the one doing most of the giving. This alignment suggests that rather than being asked for, you may have freely offered to help. And while likely done from a good place, less may prove more.