Warrior Mars powers into Virgo from today for a six week stay which can see us ready and eager to work hard and to become more organized.
We might enjoy putting in regular effort and seeing our goals accomplished to a high degree. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 18th August 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 18th August 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The beginning of the shift to a busier time begins, as fiery Mars your ruler, moves into Virgo for a six week stay. If you have been enjoying life and perhaps adopted a more relaxed approach to your to-do list, this can all begin to change. And while you may still be inclined to go easy, the coming days can see a sharp turnaround and a decision to get organized regarding key goals.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you have taken time out to recharge and enjoy some self-care, you may be eager to get back into action now that your power packs are peaking again. If you like competitive sport, then the coming weeks can see you doing more of it. Equally, if you prefer walking or cycling as a way to enhance overall wellbeing, you could find yourself loving the fresh air and the chance to keep fit.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As the focus shifts to the holistic sign of Virgo, and with Mars entering your home zone for six weeks, you can experience a renewed determination to get your place shipshape. If the clutter has started to take over, then the coming weeks can see you making positive strides in this regard. And if you need to persuade anyone of anything, the ongoing Sun Venus tie can make it easy.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you have been overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork you need to do, matters can take a turn in the right direction, as a lively influence inspires you to get things sorted out. If there are documents to be signed, junk to throw away and appointments to be made, this is very much the time to do so. And if you are keen to upgrade your knowledge, studying may be a pleasure now.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Sun linking to sweet Venus, recent days and perhaps today, can see you in the mood to enjoy life, spend time with friends and to indulge yourself too. However, before you know it reality can intrude, especially if there are bills to pay and if finances need sorting out in general. And your horoscope reveals the coming weeks can see you eager to enhance your income with a nifty side hustle.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It may seem as though you have more traction, as dynamic Mars enters your sign for a six week stay followed by Venus and the Sun over coming days. If you have felt lost at sea this can soon change, as your sense of self crystallizes. You'll likely feel more purposeful too. And as the pace picks up, you may be eager to pluck those key projects from the backburner and get started.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While your social life can still sparkle, you are now at the beginning of an annual phase when it helps to step back from life and take stock. From now and over coming weeks, this is a chance to finish longstanding projects, tie up loose ends and find closure on issues that have been dragging on for too long. A stirring influence can bring vivid dreams and enhance your intuition too Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you've been busy with responsibilities, carving out your career path or pursuing personal goals, then life may get easier with more opportunity to socialize and relax in good company. As warrior Mars powers into your friendship zone, your focus can turn to expanding your circle of connections for business and pleasure, and perhaps to being more proactive about enjoying life.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you've enjoyed a range of experiences or soaked up the sun and relished new faces and places, the tide is changing as a bold influence turns up the heat on career and goals. Now is the time to consider priorities and to get more organized in this regard. Over coming days and weeks, you may begin to think more about what it takes to accomplish something important to you Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Lighter and brighter energies can infuse your being over coming days, as the focus on a more intense zone begins to diminish. Been busy resolving key issues? If you have made progress over past weeks, then you may be ready for more enjoyable experiences. The urge to get out of your usual environment could peak, so it would be no surprise if you decided to travel Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Sun's lingering tie with Venus in your sector of relating, can see one bond gaining in strength the more you are willing to co-operate or compromise. But the bigger focus from today, is the movement of feisty Mars into your sector of finances, business and soul bonds. If anything needs clearing up in these areas, the coming weeks can see you proactively seeking solutions.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Relationships get a boost from today that will last for some weeks. The emphasis is shifting, as determined Mars moves into your sign, followed by Venus and the Sun over coming days, and this can be an opportunity to clear the air on key issues, pair up with others in a team or to collaborate on ideas and projects. Is there romantic potential? There most certainly is Pisces!