Horoscopes Sunday 17th May 2020

With the Sun aligning with expansive Jupiter this can be a time of optimism that might encourage us to take a leap of faith.

Plus with Jupiter in reverse this is a good time to change our outlook and jettison any beliefs that no longer work for us. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 17th May 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 17th May 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the angles to positive Jupiter and sensitive Neptune, your imagination could encourage you to aim high and envisage big things happening as a result of your efforts. At the same time, you might also be busy dreaming up all the things that could go wrong. Somewhere between the two lies a more realistic outcome Aries, which is still very much worth going for if you want to. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As lovely Venus forges a closer angle with Neptune, your determined outlook may seem to have vanished and instead, be replaced by a feeling of complacency. However, going with the flow can be very wise in the current circumstances. With four planets rewinding in total, this is not a time to press your advantage, but to carefully assess the state of play and take it from there.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The current line-up can bestow you with gravitas and a measure of authority which may work to your advantage. The Sun and Moon aligning with Jupiter, may be ramping-up your intuitive skills, especially when it comes to formal or business situations. You have the power to steer others in the direction that might be best for all involved, and this can appear quite impressive Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Boldly speak your mind, as this is the only way others can be prepared to listen. If you have intended to hold this conversation for some while, the current intense blend of energies suggest that keeping quiet might no longer be an option. Remember though, that however things appear they may not reflect the truth completely. Blend honesty with gentle curiosity for now Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The facts of a situation may back up your instincts about it, which is why both might be needed to get to the bottom of a certain mystery. This could involve an emotional situation, and whether professional or romantic, you may need to know what is going on before you make any further commitments. Once clarity is restored you will know exactly where you stand and what to do.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As the Sun angles towards upbeat Jupiter over coming days, you may wonder when someone is going to respond to your friendly advances or if they have even noticed you Virgo. If you feel riled that you have been so attentive and received nothing back in return, you might try an even bolder approach. If they don't respond, it's best to back off and let things unfold naturally.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Good news may come your way regarding an issue or a financial matter, but don't immediately jump to celebrate as the facts could be distorted, even if unintentionally. If this involves something important, then it won't hurt to run your own checks or to get someone trustworthy to do them for you. Your horoscope suggests there may be subtle strings attached to an offer that you need to know about.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may wonder if someone is playing on your sympathies or if they are genuinely in need of assistance. Whatever the situation, it likely won't help to be too defensive. Giving them the benefit of the doubt and being willing to suspend judgment, could allow for healing discussions. Besides, it might be that they have something to say to you but are anxious to do so at this time.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Feel misunderstood Archer? The current blend of energies can make it hard to get your point across and this could leave you frustrated. There can be an upside to this, especially if you are trying to impress someone, as it could foster a mysterious image that leaves this person keen to know more. On the financial front, there may be a potential opportunity to boost your income.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you let people get away with things you are secretly annoyed about, this won't be the last of it. A very sensitive line up hints that you may feel bad about saying anything that hints at your discomfort, and yet might very much want to. Help could come from tougher aspects though, encouraging you to firm up your boundaries by drawing a line and not letting others cross it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Money is energy, and energy needs space to flow in and out of your life, so if you have a lot of clutter whether in a physical or metaphorical sense, the current blend of aspects encourages you to have a clear up. Tie up loose ends regarding long overdue situations and seek closure if you can. Fling away those space-clogging paper piles that are stifling creativity and abundance.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Sun's positive tie to Jupiter retro can leave you wondering whether to take advantage of an opportunity or not. Don't let it worry you as it will likely be around for some time, and even if you do make a start you may not see results for a while. Tune in and let your intuition lead the way. You might find yourself taking a meandering path, but rich experiences can result from this.

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