With the Moon in charismatic Leo angling towards jovial Jupiter we may be happy to socialize and perhaps to indulge as well.
This lively aspect can see us eager to connect with others for mutual enjoyment and gain. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 17th June 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 17th June 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Impatience could strike, if someone's words dampen your enthusiasm or cause your intentions to stall. You might think you can override this, but any lack of progress could see their words bite home. However, it may not be all about your mood, but can be related to fiery Mars, your guide planet, preparing to turn retrograde next week, making this a good time to review your priorities. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
While it can be tempting to fit in with someone's plans because it is easier than saying no, this isn't a habit that can work over the long-term. You can still be a wonderful friend or enjoy a fantastic partnership without having to agree to everything that is asked of you. This can be especially the case if money matters or other areas of your life have consequences as a result Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may wonder whether to tell someone how you feel or to forget it. The motivation for doing so may be based on fears that they might not like to hear the truth. While it can be simpler to avoid this matter, addressing it in a gentle way could bring you closer to this person, especially with tactful Venus in your communication zone, paving the way for constructive conversation.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It would be no surprise if a situation that you thought you had resolved seems to make a reappearance. But this may be down to the Sun moving through the last part of your psychological sector, which could stir up feelings around this matter. Making a decision now to tie up any loose ends and deploying as sensitive touch as possible, could help resolve it once and for all.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Whether you have a big task ahead of you or are simply trying to get more done, the celestial snapshot might offer a solution. A little lateral thinking could help you see ways to do certain tasks much faster, giving you time for other more leisurely activities. Equally, you might relish the opportunity for some pampering, and your horoscope hints that working smarter might help you out in this regard.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Various situations or people could be quite demanding Virgo. And although you might feel you have enough energy to cope, it could be a very different matter once you get down to business. With dynamic Mars in an intense zone, and preparing to turn retrograde next week, it would be no surprise if one issue or relationship stood out. Indeed, making a start on it now can be wise.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A lovely influence for socializing and enjoying group activities is underway, with the weeks ahead looking pleasantly positive in this regard. You may have a keen interest in those you meet and a natural desire to interact, which can boost their spirits and confidence. Even so, if you sense that it is best to be more cautious around a certain person, then heed your inner wisdom.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Intuitive Uranus in your sector of relating, can spark insights that may surprise you. You could begin to perceive a person or their situation in a different way, and this might change your opinion of them. Plus, with lovely Venus in a prominent sector aligning with a sensitive point in your lifestyle zone, giving up an unhelpful habit could be very impressive to certain people.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
It may be tempting to dwell on issues that have proved a sticking point over recent days, but at the same time, a blossoming friendship or an upbeat social event can lift your spirits. Even though it might help to tread with care as feisty Mars prepares to turn retrograde, nurturing new developments could bring opportunities for growth, even if they do proceed at a slower pace.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your hard work may be about to pay off, as coming days can spotlight an opportunity that could benefit you and others. And with harmonious Venus in your sector of soul bonds, and connecting to a soulful point in your home zone, your relationship with a loved one can go through a positive change that might lead to a deeper connection and more trust in each other.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With the Moon in your relationship zone angling towards expansive Jupiter in your sector of goals and ambition, someone's helpful suggestion could give you a push in a direction you have long wanted to travel. It may be just a snippet of information, but if you make use of it to fertilize the seed of an idea, it could blossom nicely over the weeks and months ahead Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A stirring influence in a sheltered zone could make you aware of the reasons why you might be avoiding a situation. Part of this can be that it seems too daunting to tackle alone, even though it might need attention. However, if you go at it slowly, the coming weeks and months can see you making progress and becoming more settled. Others may remark that you seem happier.