Horoscopes Sunday 16th February 2020

Dynamic Mars moves into Capricorn from today for a stay of around six weeks which can help channel our energy in very practical ways.

We may have greater persistence regarding routine tasks as this influence can give us the stamina to complete them. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 16th February 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 16th February 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

All change Aries, as dynamic Mars, your guide planet, moves into Capricorn and your sector of goals and ambition for six weeks. Its presence here gives an increased desire to be recognized for your accomplishments and to make headway with key ambitions. Try to maintain clarity though, as with Mercury rewinding, mix ups are possible and essential details could easily go astray.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If the past few weeks have seemed intense, then this may be about to change as fiery Mars leaves a more emotional sector of your chart and moves into your zone of far horizons. Over the coming weeks, you may be keen to seek out new opportunities or to travel. You might also find that following up a desire for fresh experiences can bring exciting possibilities your way Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may wonder whether to take an opportunity further, especially if it might help you with a personal ambition. Yet with Mercury rewinding, the question of whether you are qualified enough to do this might also arise. Another planetary shift taking place from today could gift you with willpower and determination. If you set your mind to this, your horoscope reveals you could do very well.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As warrior Mars moves into your sector of relating from today for a six week stay, you may begin to feel more confident about your ability to set firm boundaries. His presence here can encourage you to clear the air when necessary, and to work co-operatively on achieving certain outcomes. You will be less likely to hold back your feelings which can only be a good thing.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Just when it might seem that you have enough on your plate, a planetary shift can see you taking on more. However, the key word that might help you more than anything, is discrimination. Any tasks that might help you make progress with your plans can be good. Even better could be to reorganize your schedule so that you work smarter rather than harder, leaving you less hassled.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

From today, you may have a lot of energy at your disposal for expressing yourself, and this can include creative activities as well as hobbies, romance and sport. Your love life might also ramp-up a notch, and this can see things becoming more passionate in a measured way. And yet with Mercury rewinding too, it is also wise to watch out for any mixed messages Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although an idea involving detailed work can seem to be perfect, it may help to relax and not to commit just yet. With expressive Mercury turning retrograde from today for around three weeks, taking things one step at a time might be more helpful. On another note, with red-hot Mars entering your home zone, this can be the perfect time to declutter any messy hot spots.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As Mars your co-ruler moves into Capricorn and your sector of talk and thought, you may have many ideas and plans and could tend to scatter your energy as a result. If you can pick those that are likely to succeed and channel your energies into them, then you could do very well. Avoid committing to major domestic projects, as with Mercury rewinding there is potential for delays.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming days can see you changing tack regarding an issue on the home front. And it may be that you are moving more towards listening to your feelings rather than to what others have to say on the matter. While their input is important, you may find that tuning into your instincts can help you to know what to do and say to improve matters, and to allow things to gradually resolve.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Dynamic Mars moves into your sign from today for a six week stay, and this may coincide with a rise in energy levels. As it enters your sign, it might arrive arrayed in dreams and imaginative ideas gathered as it journeyed through a more secluded zone. Don't be surprised if you are seized with enthusiasm, especially if you can see how you might make one very exciting idea a reality.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A decision regarding a purchase or financial matter may be necessary over coming days, and it might involve investing in something that can make a positive difference to your future. Still, you could feel uncertain about whether to go ahead, which is why sharing your thoughts with someone you trust might be so helpful. You may need a vote of confidence to get moving on this.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

While feisty Mars can enliven your social sector from today, Mercury's rewind phase could be a cause of misunderstandings and delays, as it retrogrades for around three weeks. Still, this is very much a time to liaise with others and to get out and enjoy yourself. Just take extra care when arranging events or meetings or discussing important matters, that everyone understands Pisces.