Horoscopes Sunday 14th January 2018

We may be keen to explore the potential in an idea, but may wonder whether to take the traditional route or a more alternative one.

If we do decide on an independent route, then it may be just as well to keep others informed, so as to stay on good terms. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 14th January 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 14th January 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You could surprise others Aries. But it is also really possible that you could surprise yourself. Something that you thought you wanted may no longer seem quite so appealing. And if you decide to go ahead with it, you may need to negotiate new terms. The focus over coming days can be on maintaining your independence. If this is compromised, you could limit your involvement. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your relationships continue to look positive, and you may be happy to team up with key people to accomplish a goal or to explore exciting possibilities. It is the latter that might intrigue you more though, as the present focus actively encourages you to move out of your comfort zone. Doing so can help you rediscover your confidence, and inspire you to take on fresh challenges.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This could be an interesting few days, when the more you look into a situation, the more complex it can appear. However, with the Sun and convivial Venus in a sensitive sector angling towards innovative Uranus in your social zone, friends might have a completely different perspective. It may be that a dose of lateral thinking can help resolve this matter in a speedier way Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you feel like taking things into your own control, rather than consulting others, then do so. While cosmic forces can encourage you to be dutiful and help people as best you can, things may be different today and over coming days. The focus on your leisure sector and on your zone of responsibility, suggests that it is important to focus on your plans and on what works best for you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you get a brainwave over the next day or so, then you may be very tempted to keep it to yourself. However, sharing it with others can gift you with many more possibilities to bring it to life. Pooling resources, ideas and experience can render the whole process so much more fun. Should this involve hard work Leo, then doing it in tandem with others also makes more sense.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This may be a delightfully upbeat time, if you're willing to introduce flexibility into your plans. Some of the best things can happen when an unexpected phone call or invite disrupts your schedule. Don't dismiss it though Virgo, as it may provide an opportunity to try activities you don't get to sample often, and that could pleasantly transform your weekend and the days ahead too.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As expansive Jupiter aligns with the rather fervent energies of Pluto, you may be hot in pursuit of an item that can add something special to your home. There is a chance though, that this could be quite expensive, and therefore not something to be taken lightly. Nevertheless, the suggestion of a friend or partner may enable you to locate it fast, and at a potentially affordable price.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Today could be very lively and upbeat if you are willing to experiment and perhaps to do things differently to your usual routine. Thinking outside of the box can see you involved in ideas and opportunities that could encourage new interests. Anything that can inspire you to expand your options may be very good for you, and might net you some supportive new friends Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The present focus suggests that this is an excellent time to make good use of your money. Your horoscope suggests you may be keen to invest in a way that can bring prosperity and growth over the long-term. Just for today though, you might want to give yourself a spending limit and go out with the purpose of having fun. Enjoy new experiences, as you could feel enriched for doing so.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Perhaps the reason why someone close seems to be in an edgy mood could be that they are out of their depth. They may sense that you know more about an issue or key situation than they do, and this could leave them feeling anxious. However, by acknowledging their dilemma and responding in a sensitive manner, you could help turn things around and put them at their ease.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The old and the new can vie for attention over coming days, and may influence your decisions. If you have experienced being stuck around a certain situation, and found that no matter how hard you try things have refused to budge, let it go. Some inspiring influences suggest that a chance remark or a positive encounter could be a catalyst for the changes you are seeking Water Bearer.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It may become obvious over the days ahead just how different your values are from those of certain friends. Does this mean that you should distance yourself from them Pisces? It doesn't! Rather, it suggests that this is an opportunity to appreciate your varied viewpoints. These might contribute greatly to the richness of your relationships, and enhance them in so many ways.