Horoscopes Sunday 14th April 2019

The Sun's upbeat aspect to positive Jupiter makes for a sunny day when things can easily fall into place.

Greater confidence might inspire us to take a bold step forward. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 14th April 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 14th April 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A positive alignment between the Sun and lively Jupiter, can see you reaching out for guidance and advice. But it can also see you trying to initiate some new beginnings. Anything which helps you expand your range of activities can excite you. The Moon also gives you the opportunity to be warm and affectionate to those closest to you. Social plans can also be laid. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Is something simmering beneath the surface? If so, it's not certain who will be willing to say it. For you, it may depend on how much energy you want to invest in this, and that would be a shrewd move. For with things currently so fluid, keeping a watching brief rather than getting too caught up with politics, leaves you free to focus on the things that do demand action.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The current planetary line-up can bestow you with gravitas and a measure of authority, which may work to your advantage. Diplomatic Venus and her ties to Saturn and Pluto, may be pushing you to deploy your people skills, especially when it comes to formal or business situations. This gives you the opportunity to steer others in the direction that might prove best for all involved.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Someone may tell you "say it like you mean it, and be frank". Will you be tempted? Even if it's counter to your usual approach, it could be helpful. Why? Well, if an issue has been subject to an intense blend of energies for some while, you may wonder if keeping quiet is really an option. Remember though, that however you see things, someone else will have a very different perspective.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Do the facts of a situation back up your instincts about it? If you are unsure, be determined to penetrate to the very root of the issue. This could involve an emotional dimension, and whether professional or romantic, you may need to really know what's going on before you make any further commitments. What you can do, is deem to give yourself a bit of a treat.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As Venus moves to aspect the intense energies of Pluto in coming days, you may wonder when someone is going to respond to your friendly advances. Or in contrast, if they have even noticed you at all. If it is the latter, you might try a more determined approach. But then Virgo, if the chemistry really isn't there, perhaps the better thing to do is to let this go and move on.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

An awkward planetary tie involving the most emotive sector of your Solar Horoscope, could strengthen your resolve regarding a deeply personal issue that you have been ruminating about. This can though, be an opportunity to tap into your inner strength and to embrace any feelings that you may have pushed to one side, even if it's not particularly comfortable.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Are you set to wonder if someone is playing on your sympathies, or if they are genuinely in need of assistance? Whatever the situation, it likely won't help to be too defensive. Giving this person the benefit of the doubt and being willing to suspend judgment, may be best. Then again, it may be that they have feelings for you, but are too unsure of themselves to say anything at this time.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The idea of letting go of something that has been an issue for a while, can be attractive. Even so, as the harmonizing energies of Venus align with fervent Pluto, releasing this may not be as easy as you'd like. Hanging on can see you feel uncomfortable, but equally, there may be elements of this situation that you don't want to lose. Proceed as cautiously as possible.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may have come to some interesting conclusions and hit upon wonderful ideas, as both hard-working Saturn and emotional Pluto have been journeying through your sign. With creative Venus linking to both now, your horoscope suggests this can be a good time to reflect on the journey you have been through. However positive or challenging, respect the experience this has given you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Money is energy, and energy needs space to flow in and out of our lives. So, if you have a lot of clutter, whether in a physical or metaphorical sense, the current blend of energies encourages you to create space. Where possible, look to tie up loose ends regarding long overdue situations and seek closure. All this can create a better opportunity for growth and abundance.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Sun's positive tie to the rewinding Jupiter, can leave you wondering whether to take advantage of an opportunity or not. It will likely be a factor for some time, and even if you do make a start now, you might not see results for a while. Tune in and let your intuition lead the way. You may find yourself taking a meandering path, but enriching experiences can result.