Expansive Jupiter turns direct after is rewind phase of several months, so we may soon begin to experience the fruits of all our hard work.
If we have used past months to reframe our perspective or adopt a more positive attitude this can now pay off. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 13th September 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 13th September 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There are possibilities for fun and romance, but the Moon makes awkward aspects which could find you stewing over an issue to which there may seem no easy solution. Remember, tomorrow is another day, and with jovial Jupiter turning direct in your sector of goals, matters on the work or career front can soon take a positive turn. There is every reason to look to the future Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Someone's words could trigger you, and unleash feelings that you might prefer to ignore. The Moon's awkward and uncomfortable ties, suggest you may feel a surge of irritation or even anger. If you can step back and look to the bigger picture, this might help you. What seems important now could become irrelevant, if a bold opportunity should capture your attention.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Finances could be a bone of contention, particularly if they seem to have stalled. With planets in your sector of money and business rewinding for some months, it can seem your best efforts have had little impact. However, a positive shift occurs today, as exuberant Jupiter turns direct. You'll begin to see progress, and perhaps over coming weeks, go from strength to strength Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the Moon in your sign opposing key planets and angling towards Mars retro, it can seem as though you have hit a blank wall as far as co-operation is concerned. A long-term shift occurs today though, as Jupiter turns direct in your relationship zone. Your horoscope suggests you'll soon notice how much more helpful and supportive others are, and as the months move along, it'll only get better.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may feel as though you need a breather, and a chance to escape the relentless demands upon you. If so, the Moon in a secluded sector encourages you to refuel and catch your breath. The good news is that if you've put in time and energy and seen little return, things could be about to change. Jupiter's forward motion hints that with sound decisions, new growth is possible.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A potent focus can find you eager to take charge of a situation, and turn it to your advantage. If you do, you may be pleased with your progress. Today though, avoid getting caught up in edgy discussions or other people's dramas, as it could prove draining rather than stimulating. In fact, Venus in your sector of rejuvenation encourages you to relish some necessary self-care.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may want to make your feelings more public, especially if doing so garners you the support you need Libra. If you share a key issue with the people in your life, some of them could be extremely supportive, but others less helpful. The key point is to get this matter out in the open, as the advice and assistance that follows might leave you more secure and much happier.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Whatever anyone says, don't react Scorpio. There may be reasons why you feel more pent-up than usual, especially with the Moon making edgy ties to Pluto your ruler, and sobering Saturn. It can seem that you are being victimised in a situation, when perhaps you're not. Take heart, as the coming days could bring positive news and a decision that helps change things for the better.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be ready to make a move that could enhance your career options and improve finances. If so, don't let today's awkward lunar ties stop you in your tracks. You might find more reasons not to go ahead than to have a go. With a focus on the element of earth, you have every chance of making a success of a goal or ambition, if you attend to the details and take it step-by-step.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Have something important to say? Go easy with others, as your approach could be a little intense. With the Moon in caring Cancer, certain people might find your tone a touch abrasive, so adopting a more sympathetic attitude can go down a lot better. With generous Jupiter turning direct in your sign from today, promising developments may begin to show up for you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You don't have to push quite so hard, and may find that a more relaxed approach helps you accomplish more. With the Moon facing off with Pluto and Saturn, as well as angling towards Mars, this can be one of those days when the more you try, the less you do. If you come back to it tomorrow, the answers to current issues could show up, and you might be more productive too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Focusing on your plans can be more enjoyable than getting involved with others', as it may be hard to agree on anything if you try to fit in with someone else's scheme. There might even be quibbles over the cost. With Jupiter pushing forward after many months in reverse, a connection you have long nurtured could prove to be the supportive bond you'd hoped for.