As expansive Jupiter forges an angle with nebulous Neptune, we could be taken up by an idea that promises to be a dream come true.
It may be, but it is just as well to research it in detail and get some down-to-earth advice before we make a start on it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 13th January 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 13th January 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
It may be obvious Aries, but you can't please everyone. And the harder you try, the less impressed others can be. Conversely, the less you worry about what others think, the more they may support you. Don't put too much attention on trying to deliver something you think others will like. Putting heart and soul into an original idea of yours might be far more effective. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may need to push yourself regarding an opportunity, even though you can see the benefit in going ahead. With a sterling connection between jovial Jupiter and dreamy Neptune, you could opt for social distractions and a chance to unwind, and there is nothing wrong with this. Still, if you can apply yourself, you may look back and feel pride at all you have accomplished.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The coming days can bring an opportunity to aim for your highest ideal, and to put aside any thoughts that things may not turn out as you hope. To make this a reality, consider giving up on another plan that may be going nowhere. This can be difficult though, if you have put in a lot of effort. Letting it go can free you up to pursue a path that helps others as much as yourself.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your sense of duty might see you taking charge of a situation caused by others. With thoughtful Mercury merging with prudent Saturn, a practical approach could aid you. If you have bailed them out before though, let them know this is not something you will do every time. Besides, your own goals and ambitions are calling, and a push now can see you soar.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A key aspect suggests focusing on your biggest priority can help you make great strides over coming days Leo. Though you may be tempted to do something else, your enthusiasm could be piqued once you get going. Plus, you'll have more time too for social adventures, lively experiences and travel. Attracted to someone? A bond can progress hopefully.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If your plans seem to be delayed or obstacles are in your path, it may be down to an awkward connection. The more you attempt to get things moving, the less they seem to budge. Try turning your attention to other matters, especially those that are more enjoyable. Spending time with family and friends can lighten your mood and recharge your batteries for another attempt.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You might feel that if you did more for someone, they would appreciate you, but the cosmic picture suggests otherwise. The current star map suggests that adopting a stronger approach with a certain person could see them becoming much more respectful. Don't give your friendship away too easily here Libra, let this person prove their loyalty and integrity before anything.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A heart-to-heart about resources may be necessary, with something very positive emerging from it. If it seems that you are the one paying for meals and evenings out, and it niggles, don't feel guilty about asking for a contribution. Should you keep this quiet? You could, but if it is on your mind it's time to do something. You'll feel much better about this bond afterwards.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This weekend you can find yourself under the spell of a seductive Venus Mars tie, which takes place in your romance zone. With so much passionate energy in the air, this can be a great time for a date, especially if you haven't spent much time together lately. Or then, a special encounter could sizzle and may lead to a new and promising connection.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It might seem that if you can discuss something, an issue could be resolved. But as communicator Mercury merges with prudent Saturn, this may be far from the truth. Someone might not want to talk and could be very stubborn if you try to negotiate with them. Give it a few days and their outlook can begin to change, as they may realize that a compromise serves them as well as you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Getting out with friends could be the best antidote to a tendency to dwell on an edgy issue. It is not necessarily true that the more you think about things, the easier they heal. You might dig yourself in deeper. Any activity that allows you to forget such matters is worth doing. Your horoscope hints that if you can let it all go, it may resolve in a way that is pleasantly surprising and effective.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
While you may feel like taking it easy this weekend, someone might have other plans and be keen for you to help them out. This could mean putting in extra hours at work or assisting with a community project or event. Either way, you could struggle to feel motivated, unless you can find a reason why getting involved would be good for you. Feel able to say no, and mean it.