Horoscopes Sunday 10th September 2017

Interactive Mercury moves into Virgo from today where it is very much at home. As it rules this sign, its position here is particularly helpful.

We may find this influence useful for all kinds of intellectual work, detailed planning and crafts that require particular skills. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 10th September 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 10th September 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Moon in the steadying sign of Taurus and a bias towards the element of earth, you may feel it is time to look towards matters of health and wellness, and this might include one or two pampering sessions too. The coming weeks can see you keen to learn more about any lifestyle issues that matter, but also to find ways to simplify your schedule so you feel less pressured. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Before you embark on a new plan, especially if it is a creative one, it might be an idea to consider the cost. While friends may encourage you to go for it anyway as money isn't everything, your intuition may say otherwise. The Moon's link to fervent Pluto suggests seeing the bigger picture here, but also considering how the details including the financial side can work well together.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be firing on all cylinders when it comes to domestic projects and tasks. However, with lively Mercury your guide planet entering this same sector from today, you may find a little planning enables you to get a lot done in a shorter time. In addition, you might make the most energetic tasks a top priority Gemini, as this can be a way to channel any pent-up emotions.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may have logical reasons for wanting to draw closer to someone, yet the Moon's connection with Neptune can see you empathizing with them to the extent that you appear very caring. In contrast, a lunar tie to powerful Pluto might encourage you to look beneath the surface for any hidden agendas. Between the two aspects you'll likely make just the right impression Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your horoscope can bring revelations concerning how much time you spend on regular pursuits and how much you get back in return. And while this might encourage you to get key jobs done in a shorter length of time, it can also entice you to scrap certain activities altogether and introduce others that are more beneficial or that are a better investment over the long-term.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As the Taurus Moon connects with passionate Pluto in your leisure sector, you may feel like taking a trip to a place where you can let go of any tensions and perhaps recharge your batteries. Indeed, taking a friend can make it even more special. Alternatively, you could have powerful feelings for someone that you feel compelled to share. Consequences might follow though!

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With a focus on the subtle sectors of your chart, the coming days can be an opportunity for one or more heart-to-heart conversation that could leave you or another feeling a great sense of relief. The Sun's link to Pluto in your home zone also suggests a family member may want to share a secret or talk about matters they may not be able to discuss with anyone else but you Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Everyday conversation with a friend or partner could lead to crucial insights that might leave you wondering why you never considered them before. Over this weekend, a revelation could enable you to see what is wrong with an idea, or you might uncover the core issue with a problem and configure the solution in a way that could be quite brilliant, and that might bring lasting results.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As communicative Mercury re-enters the topmost sector of your chart from today, you might be able to pick up where you left off regarding a goal in mid August. Delays or other factors may have meant it has been on the back burner, but now it can be dusted off and fired up once again. This time around though, you might be more aware of its true potential and how you can tap into it.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Slowing down and appreciating the small things in life like the smell of a rose, the feel of the breeze on your face or perhaps the taste of certain foods, can allow you to feel deeply satisfied and perhaps more at peace with yourself. Cosmic forces encourage you to let go of those plans and situations that you can't control and to allow yourself to flow with the day as it unfolds.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This may be one of those days when you might prefer to cocoon yourself away from the world and curl up with a novel or a good movie. More than anything though, you might find yourself drawn to contemplate an issue and get to the heart of it. Doing so could help you dissolve any awkward feelings around it. And if you can manage this it can leave you feeling pleasantly at ease.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the Moon in your sector of communication aligns with Neptune in your sign, you may find it easy to empathize with someone and to intuit how they might be feeling. This can give you an advantage if you are negotiating or hoping to strike a bargain, even though you might not think about it in this way. This lovely line-up can also be perfect for a delightful evening out for two.