Today’s Horoscopes Sunday 10th January 2016

Venus is side by side with the strict energies of Saturn. Both are located in Sagittarius, so if ever some frank exchanges were going to happen today's the day. 

However, this is only likely to happen in those relationships where feelings run deeper. But be it a friendship or love affair if there have been some underlying strains, they can come to the surface now. In the worst of situations ties can come to a complete close however, no-one will leave our lives who is really important. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 10th January 2016 please see below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The presence of Mars in Scorpio sharpens your awareness, encouraging you to read between the lines in a critical situation. As a result you can more easily iron out any difficulties. But this will require you to go beyond superficial observations. Venus and Saturn remain locked together, and some home truths can be exchanged in a love affair.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Though a Venus Saturn tie can make you wary about spending money, other more sprightly influences arouse your curiosity. Perhaps a magazine article suggests creative solutions to a problem you've had, or a friend kindly shares their perspective. With the Moon heading over Mercury, think before you are too outspoken or blunt today.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You are unlikely to get the responses you'd like now. Even people you ordinarily get on well with can be sour or unpredictable in turn. If you feel that you are on the end of someone's unfairness, a tipping point can be reached later today when you are more brutally honest yourself, than you would normally be. Someone may wince, but your point will be made. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Uranus's tie to Pluto suggests a restless urge to break free of restrictions might see you seeking out new opportunities. As Venus begins to align with Uranus you might feel a need to do so on your own without others influencing your thinking in any way. Nevertheless, you'd be wise to listen to a close friend's sage advice.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The growing influence of the impatient Mars in your home zone hints at the potential for conflict. Someone with strong feelings may decide it's their duty to point out the flaws in an idea of yours – or will it be you telling it how it is? Generally, affection and warmth are in shorter supply around exchanges. Try not to be too defensive, Leo!

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As Uranus syncs with Pluto you might feel moved to reflect on the dynamics of a relationship. Indeed, balancing the demands of a romance or friendship with your other activities is likely no easy feat. However, today's Moon Mercury link can help you out by providing insights that you'll find extremely useful – but don't be too quick to judge.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Withdrawing from the social scene may be necessary today if you feel a need to spend time alone. Neither should you feel bad about doing so, as a chance to catch up with yourself can prove healing. If you've been too busy lately to indulge a gentle pastime you really enjoy, give yourself permission to do precisely this, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you're in need of a boost you may decide that a little bit of retail therapy is in order. You probably won't be in the mood to overspend either, as Venus's tie to Saturn in your money zone suggests you'll be on the lookout for items that are not only good value, but fit for purpose too. But equally, don't splurge if there is something worrying you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your determination to make progress may be stalled by issues you hadn't expected – but don't let this stop you in your tracks. Even if your efforts produce only a fraction of what you were hoping for, keep going, as the more willpower you employ the better, Sagittarius. However, your love life could see some battles of will just now.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It is said that when Mercury is in its retrograde phase it is easier to see the comical side of niggling situations. This may be the case today – so much so that this more positive perspective might help you resolve them too. However, if you're attending a social event, your sense of fun can make it a special occasion.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As Venus aligns to both Saturn and now with your modern ruler Uranus, it can coincide with a decision to widen your social circle to include people who cater to an interest or aspect of your personality that your usual acquaintances may not satisfy. However, continue to be guided by quality not quantity when it comes to friendships.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Someone may want the best for you, and could give you some excellent guidance. Try not to be too proud to receive it Pisces. Openness and flexibility can be very important ingredients to making progress. Then again, you may use your wisdom or creativity to help someone younger or less experienced to do better in their life.