Horoscopes Saturday 2nd June 2018

A lingering tie between lively Mercury and stirring Mars can see us making a firm decision to act on an idea.

In addition, if we need to convince anyone of anything, this can be a great time to do so. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th June 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 2nd June 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Although it might be tempting to go with the proverbial flow, there may be opportunities waiting for you that can be realized, if you seize the moment. With your guide Mars in your zone of dreams and wishes, this can be your chance to move ahead with a plan, but it may require some verve. Other factors can bring creativity into the mix, and this too can add a new and thrilling dimension. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As the Moon aligns with powerful Pluto in your sector of beliefs, you could clash with someone concerning ideas that seem to be deeply important to you, and that may have been a part of your life for some time. As this is a temporary aspect though, any discussion could be followed by a period of calm reflection that could encourage a change of heart and more flexibility Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This could be a time of heightened activity, when you may find yourself busy with all kinds of activities. You might also find yourself overwhelmed by all you need to do, and decide to leave well alone and opt for a more relaxed weekend instead. You could find the more effort you put in the more you get out, and that once you make a start you could still achieve solid progress.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You could find yourself frustrated by someone's attitude, and especially if it seems they are trying to dominate you or influence your decisions. As the Moon, your ruler, ties with relentless Pluto, you may feel it is time to be true to yourself, and this incident can give you the opportunity to do just that. This is especially so if you reflect that you have been easygoing with them of late.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may have felt that there was no point in rocking the boat, and that it was better to tolerate someone's views or actions than to overreact. If so, this is likely down to a very relaxed and indulgent blend of energies that could see you forgiving almost anything. Today though, your horoscope can encourage you to nip any issues in the bud and feel better as a result.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may have the motivation to attempt something, but your biggest issue could be other people's opinions, as these could undermine your best intentions. If you want to see a plan through to the end over coming weeks, then your best bet may be to keep your dream to yourself. Once you have accomplished it, the facts may speak for themselves and bear scrutiny Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The urge to spend could be quite tempting over this weekend, and particularly if you have been working hard and need some small treats to boost your spirits. It is very likely that you have given a lot of time and energy to others and now want to reward yourself for all your efforts. Once you start though, you could find it hard to stop unless you can set yourself some limits.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The Moon's connection with the transformational Pluto, suggests that an issue might consume all your attention for a short while, binding up your energy. As the Moon then moves into Aquarius and ties to the restless Uranus, you may find you have a greater ability to stand back and see things from a more detached perspective, paving the way for a solution that can work well for all.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If something you have need of is not forthcoming, the planetary picture suggests that it may be an opportunity to tap into your resourceful nature and come up with novel ideas. Thinking of other ways to get what you want could open your mind to possibilities that you might never have considered otherwise. Besides, you might get it cheaper or even completely free Sagittarius.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With lovely Venus in your relationship zone forging a quite beautiful aspect, you can be keen to align yourself with interests which stir your passion. You might also be drawn to activities that help you develop latent talents. Even the people you meet could inspire you to unleash your creativity. If you feel at odds with someone initially, stay open, for soon you can chime much better.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Talking with someone may be like a breath of fresh air, especially if their perspective enables you to see another way around a perceived difficulty. Their encouragement may be just what you need, as with a focus on a private sector potentially stirring up some deep issues, it is possible that you might feel more vulnerable. However, their input could help reassure you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

While a small gift can leave others feeling good, it may be more difficult to please one person. Smaller treats might not be so effective as a truly unique option. What might impress them is a decision to do something different, like take them on a trip somewhere they have never been. If you do this without them asking, it might add a whole new dimension to your friendship.