The Moon in Leo forges an awkward angle with electric Uranus which can encourage a rebellious approach today.
We may be inclined to do the opposite of what others want us to do, but it might be us who suffers because of this. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 7th November 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 7th November 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As luscious Venus ties with Mars retro, you could feel a sense of frustration concerning a bond that never seems to take off. This might come to a head now, and may lead to further tensions. If someone doesn't want to commit to a relationship, project or collaboration, then it can be best to back off. You could be better using your energy on more fruitful and fulfilling associations.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Someone may find you attractive, but do you feel the same about them? Whatever they have might contrast greatly with your personality, and could either find you ready to steer clear or eager to know them better. There is also a dreamy quality around social and romantic relationships that can make for some special dates Taurus, or that may leave you wondering where you stand.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Sun aligning with Neptune can encourage you to be kind and compassionate, but this could conflict with a more cautious aspect that involves a deal or commitment. You will need to find the middle path, Gemini. Being too accommodating might see you taken advantage of, while sticking to your viewpoint may not work out either. Be clear about what you want first.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While you may be having some success getting your place shipshape or even beautifying it in pleasing ways, you can feel less happy about your progress regarding a goal or ambition. Wondering when this might change? With Mars turning direct in just under a week or so, the tide could begin to turn, and your horoscope suggests you may see opportunities where there have so far appeared to be none.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
On the surface, you may appear confident about a project or new romance, but the way you feel on the inside could be a different matter altogether. One aspect is outward going and ready to grasp the metal, while at another level, you might prefer to use magnetic charm to attract those special opportunities. A mix can see you being both beguiling and sassy, which may just work.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon/Uranus link hints at a lively encounter that may be memorable for more reasons than one. This person might have interesting, and possibly life-changing information, to share. Look into it and you could see the significance, and be fascinated by what it can do for you. You may be drawn to someone and yet somehow wary. As you get to know them, this can quickly change.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may be wondering what's up with other people as they appear so uncooperative, when you are perfectly willing to be reasonable, and even to compromise. If you aren't getting any joy, then focus on other matters where you can make progress. As the Moon swings into your social zone and angles towards Uranus, an encounter could shake you up, but in a good way Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As Venus continues in a private zone, you might want to keep certain matters to yourself, and this may include a conversation that you need time to digest. It can take a while for the implications to sink in, and to consider what your next move should be. This is also an opportunity to turn your attention to yourself, and make time for reflection and some self-care.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While you could think you're being practical, others might see this as a refusal to let go of the past. Something may be stopping you from engaging in a way that is useful and productive, and this can be down to an experience that has left lingering memories. If you can see this, it might help you to be more cooperative. Others will understand if you are open to having a chat, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
There are some things that might remain a mystery, unless you take some time to dive deep and find out what is really going on. As go-getter Mars rewinds in a private zone, this can be a good time to reflect on any obscure issues. The answer could show up in a day-time reverie or as an intuitive nudge that is hard to ignore. And if so, taking note can help unravel tangled strands.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The lingering Mercury/Saturn angle may be taking a long time to separate, but this is because the planet of talk and thought is busy getting back on track after its rewind phase. What does this mean for you Aquarius? It suggests that you might feel an ongoing reluctance to change something so that you can move forward. In a few days though, a more positive attitude prevails.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon making an edgy tie to Uranus, you might find one conversation stirs you up and sets you thinking. Something that is said may be exactly what you needed to hear, and by taking it on board, it could help you make a difficult decision. On another note, the Sun's developing tie with Neptune in your sign, can find you dreaming of bigger and better opportunities, Pisces.